12 reviews liked by Prozner

Still in the first couple hours, this is an ongoing review:

1) I’m constantly surprised by the textures in this game not being incredibly crisp; maybe it’s just a 2017 thing, but Resident Evil 2 looks incredible and came out 2019. I don’t want to care about it, and yet the tech brain comes out!!
2) This man WISHES he was Alan Wake

I really gotta play this one again. Really enjoyed watchin my sister play it as a kid, and then started playing it myself. If you get your hands on this one, play peak!

This one, sir. This is my favorite Smash game. I know its unbalanced and has a lot of gimmicks people don't like. The aesthetic is really decisive and the online was (from what I heard, never played online) pretty bad. But, this game nails two big things for me. One, it is super fun to play this game with a group of people. Two, Subspace is peak.

Elite Beat Agent is the holy rhythm game, the only one God has ordained humans to play through natural law.

In all seriousness it’s a stellar rhythm game for a platform that had a surprising amount of them that’s really only bogged down by some lackluster songs and the fact that it inspired Osu.

While the game’s story hits soaring highs it suffers from a confusing alternate timeline plot and convoluted explanations trying to explain why sympathetic characters would randomly become immoral.

Technically better than some of the games on my favorites list, being so recent I need time to think of its placement in my top games. Minus a slightly frustrating sequence of events around the midpoint the game is way too entertaining and technically impressive to write off as anything less than a masterpiece.

A game of many strengths, it also suffers from a piling on of smaller complaints. Wildly unbalanced late game Personas and multiple instances of Ryuji abuse make me groan when I think about it.

The best Zelda game I’ve played. High concept and constantly engaging, my only real gripes seem to be a result of the 3DS remake.

Metal gear Solid 3 is a game of many words that are very well spoken. While the gameplay is stellar I feel the PS2 was not capable of displaying the jungle (Russian jungle) at a convincing fidelity.

A tale about the death of US military exceptionalism that makes me say ‘wow he’s just like me frfr’

The Something Rotten podcast inspired me to give this a go. Killer 7 bursts with ideas. Games are seldom this whacky, let-alone games out of studios like Capcom. It was a different time.

I haven't finished it yet, but the gameplay is still approachable all these years later.