I played this for over 150 hours, if I didn't like it I think that'd qualify as self harm.

"What the actual shit is that"

-me, aloud to myself, twice, while playing this video game

Just a very solid search-action and visually beautiful idk not much else comes to mind.

Danganronpa voice: Danganronpa.

But yeah same writing style, but with way more ups and downs. Conclusion is cool.

This game's story is really cheesy. I actively cheered at some of the game's cheesiest moments, but was kinda unengaged (eh? eh? ok...) at the rest. The gameplay was really solid and balanced but man was I kinda just tired of it by the end cause it did nothing to vary it lol.

A funny little game about funny little dudes!! Yes!!

However I think the removal of the day limit did this game no favors as I felt no pressure to improve or be fast outside of caves and specific challenges which were the best parts of the game.


I went in expecting this just to be a random Zelda clone and walked out with one of the best game experiences I've had in a while. This is one of those rare games that feels like someone went inside your head and pulled out a video game for me. Whatever you do, go in blind.

I really liked the concept and story was fun (and heartbreaking at times), but the gameplay execution so disappointing. I heard the concept and I was so excited, but they don't really do anything with it and its like... ok...

Killer vibes. Not too complex, but just fun to play around in the playground they made. Plus shoutouts to the soundtrack being amazing.

Kinda disappointed actually, I really loved this game as a kid, but now? So sluggish and easy, and you can only really be a good game while being one of those things not both. As proven by the very fun Magalor Epilogue which is easy but fun due to it's snappy pacing.

Captures classic jrpg vibes while being very modern in design. The battles are bit repetitive but were still engaging. Main gripe is the story which has a lot of concepts I like but roooouuugh execution unfortunately.

I do not know what rating to give this game because it is equal parts brilliant and absolute nonsense. If you want something small to bring you back to simpler times it's here.


very cool how a game that has a boss fight against a buff planet pluto can also effectively scare me.