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Unfortunately I didn't enjoy this remake as much as the original, for multiple reasons, some very subjectives :
- They centered a lot the marketing on the fact that the combat system was reworked to match Automata and ... it was not ? I haven't played the OG again, but while they clearly took time to make great animations, the gameplay in itself still felt a bit old
- The game feels old overall, especially since it's coming after Automata. The different routes are still pretty boring, especially after the second one. Playing Kainé on route B would have been pretty logic (but obviously would have made ending E less impactful)
- Speaking of ending E : while I really enjoyed it as new NieR content, it does make ending D way less impactful. Also it's way too hidden ? There's really not any indication that it's even a thing, so I think it's supposed to be like a surprise for when you eventually want to play the game again ?
- Papa NieR is just a big part of why I like the first game, cause I'm easily moved by father-child relationships, and not at all by brother-sister ones ... and Yoko Taro seems to not care about this character at all ( and I get that he was created for marketing reasons, but in the end that's the character we outside of Japan got to know and love)

So yeah its a great game, although not necessarily a good remake imo, and I'm more emotionally attached to Gestalt.

I was a big fan of World (especially Iceborne) and when Rise came out I was a bit disappointed : the game feels a bit too "straight to the point"; what I liked about World was the (a bit stupid) ecological aspect to it, following the monster's trail, catching little creatures for your room, completing the "pokédex"; the game also had prettier colours and light, and overall felt a bit more living to me.
One year later I gave it another try and played differently. I played exclusively in my bed, a little bit everyday, considered it more like an arcade game and I enjoyed it like that.

Beloved game of my childhood.
2 majors things a love here :
- the expanded Mario universe; they way they like to tweak classic Mario ennemies in various ways and create a lot of new stuff out of that
- the gameplay; I'm not a fan of turn-based combat but here they make it so fun by actually making you play during both yours and ennemy's turn. It feels so good yet I don't remember seeing this in many other games ?

Played today for the first time ! (I took Pikmin 2 as a kid because there were more Pikmin in it, and I never tried it after because I was scared of the 30 days limit)
I really liked the puzzles, I always love seeing this world's creatures, and I actually got quite a hard time in the water area ! (Final boss was awful)
Controls were a bit hard to master cause I'm really used to using wiimote ...
Knowing really well Pikmin 2, it was fun to see what was already there in this one, and how they expanded on it later.

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I'm not necessarily super fan of Kojima, the first game of his I played was MGSV wich I really liked. But I loved every single trailer for Death Stranding and I really thought I would be playing the best game ever made : In the end, this is not the best game ever made, but it's interesting.
I really want to defend the gameplay here cause that seems to be the aspect most people made fun of, "it's just a walking simulator". And yes, it is the core of the gameplay, but it was deeply thought, it has a lot of depth, and the result is great. You are constantly pressing buttons to keep balance, weather and terrain affect how you walk, and there's a lot of freedom of customization ...
I really love the visuals, music, and overall mood of the game. On a personal note I wouldn't have mind if the game was more linear (main story kinda is, but the game encourages you to go back and optimise your path, do more deliveries etc) and totally devoid of online features (during my playthrough I never really found anyone's structure really useful, and there were a lot of stuff kinda spoiling the view). Speaking of online, marketing was a bit stupid : Kojima calling the game a new genre "Strand Game", when asynchronous online is really not new + it's not the core of the gameplay at all ?
And so while people tend to hate on the gameplay I don't see much people talking about the story beeing sometimes outrageously stupid !? There's a whole thing in chapter 3 (I believe) where the bad guy is disguised as a postman but you clearly recognize him and he's overdoing it, and if you look at the package he gave you it clearly says that it's a bomb but you still have to go deliver it and then Sam takes a nap and suddenly wakes up realizing that the postman was the bad guy and all of that is adressed in a serious way ??? Idk I think this kind of stuff is just unacceptable
Despites that I still liked some parts of the story, especially the end. It has interesting themes, and I'm a bit curious about the sequel, so I might give this game another shot at some point. I also still really love the trailers.
And this game made me discover Low Roar !!

Didn't find what I love about the series in this episode. Villagers are not very interesting to interact with. They put a lot of effort into customization and that's cool, but like being kinda able to choose which villager you accept or not is a but too much for me, kinda breaks the charm ...
On a positive note, the game looks beautiful, especially the museum. For a fish enthusiast like me the aquarium is a pleasure to spend time in !

I suddenly remembered this game while thinking about Subnautica. I gave it a try and it was some fun parkour, finished it in a few hours but didn't feel like trying to 100%/speedrun it.
I'm talking about about Subnautica because there's a little something special I find in those 2 games, something about the visuals, sounds ; I don't know if there's really something or if it's tied to nostalgia ...

Not necessarily a huge fan of Isaac, I did play a lot tho because there's just so much content ...
But I really enjoyed this expansion, loved the new zones, soundtracks, and all the new ideas they had for some specific sequences/paths. The new endings / final bosses are also really good !

I was a bit repelled at first by the charadesign and the academic part of the game, but in the end it's what I enjoyed the most.
Currently playing Engage makes me realize how much I appreciate the characters here in Three Houses, and how they have actual relationships with each others. I used to think that I prefered Awakening's structure (going on an adventure, meeting new characters along the way; because in FE3H you basically know everyone from the start), but this academic context makes the bonds between the characters (and you) more believable.
I played the red, blue, and yellow route (in that order) and they all have their own pacing and tone ! Very cool to get all this on one single game, as opposed to Fates ...

Best plateformer. I love DK's animations, his weight and feel, level-design, visuals ...
And obviously the greatest soundtrack ever made !

I love this world and it's inhabitants. I come back to it every now and then, and I always end up playing for weeks ...
It's both very calm and tiring haha, because of all the work you get to do and the time passes by so fast. And 2 years ingame later you're still doing the same things but you now have a kid haha
The villagers are all very likeable and some have a very touching storyline. The soundtracks, visuals, and overall atmosphere are so great, I think it's the work of art that encapsulate the best each season !
I played this game for the first time not long after leaving Animal Crossing New Horizons, and while it's not exactly the same game I feel like it has that old Animal Crossing charm that ACNH lacks.
The only flaw I see in this game is that you can do way too much stuff way too early ( I had the chance of being thaught the game by a friend ). And then there's just more and more content as you play ...
Also I love Abigail

Had a hard time really getting into it because of the first day ( the clients made me uncomfortable haha )
But I liked it in the end. Great aesthetic and soudtrack, and just the idea of doing a visual novel with the bartender context is great, you just need one background and you easily feel closer to the characters, wondering who will show up the next day.

The menu theme is strangely so good ?!


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Played this right after Automata. You can clearly see how it's kind of a sketch of what Automata ended up being (or at least, Automata takes all the ideas explored here and handles them better, notably the routes/endings system)
I read a lot about it before actually playing, about how the story was great but gameplay was horrendous, but it's not that bad imo. I was not particularly attached to automata's gameplay anyway ... The boring part is more about the different routes; when you go for the final ending, you basically skip every cutscene and speerun everything (even more if you decide to do both C and D)
Despite this game's broken and unpolished aspect, it holds a special place in my hearth. I immediately fell in love with the characters, OST is beautiful, and while the story can be a bit of a tearjerker honestly (even the sidequests are like that), it still really works and has very memorable moments.


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Knew nothing about the game and I was baffled.
So it's a very cool Zelda 1-like where you are just thrown in there and you must figure out what to do by yourself. Loved the inclusion of an old-school manual being it's own ingame thing, full of secrets if you look at it closely ( I actually spent a few hours trying to decipher the made-up language (did not succeed) ); And that feeling when you discover an ability you had since the very beginning but you didn't know because you just never tried it. The world ends up being very coherent, and overall it's a game that makes you feel very intelligent haha.
The second third of the game was a bit less interesting, more classing item-dungeon-boss, and the bosses are really not the best aspect of the game imo.
But in the final act there's this new mechanic à la The Witness and the game becomes incredible again.
(The ost is also really good, and the main artwork for the game was drawn by Aurahack and that makes me very happy to know that you can draw big tiddies online and still get some non-NSFW jobs haha)