I both loved and hated this game.
Loved because this game has such a wide variety of content, lots of fun activities (Karaoke/disco/cabaret-club management, my beloved), and walking through Kamurocho feels really nice. There's a ton of cool characters that you end up liking more and more, and the story is very touching. ( Also kinda fascinated by how they render and model faces)
On the other hand, I'm just very bad at Beat'em up games like that, I struggled against basically every boss and more.
Also it's really a game with a lot of men, made by men, for men, and at times it shows ...

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The story feels a bit old at some points haha, I really liked the whole Nishiki think, but I didn't really feel anything for the big villain that kinda appears out of nowhere in the story 10 minutes before the end. Also a bit weird to see all the characters introduced in 0 being killed in a few minutes haha
Other than that I got a better grasp at the gameplay so I had more fun than in 0. And Majima Everywhere is fun, though it might be a bit too much; I don't know yet if I prefer this Joker-guy over the Goro Majima I saw in 0 ...
Also this game introduced me to Mahjong ! I love it despite either being very bad at it, or having the worst luck ever.

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I enjoyed the story a bit more than in Kiwami, although it still feels a bit old, especially the Kiryu/Sayama relationship ... Other than that I really like Ryuji, especially after that final boss; And I like that there's this incident that happened years before but we keep going back to it, each time with a new perspective.
The new engine looks great imo, although combat is now a bit less precise, kinda struggling to lock ennemies and to do specific moves.
And personally I have fun with the cabaret-club and Majima construction modes !
( I honestly didn't expect this series and these characters to grow on me so much when I started 0 )

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Lots of characters, each with their own gameplay; a good amount of content (and by that I mean not "too much", like in FE warriors, or the first hyrule warriors), organized in a different way cause there now only one mode / campaign.
I like that they used the same engine, or at least the same artstyle, as botw + that they made this a prequel.
Or should I say they sold this as a cannon prequel, but in the end heroes from the future come save the past (for no reason cause botw is still a thing ?). That's kind of a bummer, tho I understand why they choosed that ...

While the gameplay can be a bit stiff (I think the plateforming is really not the best aspect of the game, there are a few collisions problem) I still enjoyed playing this game enough to do multiple playthroughs.
But more than gameplay, what stood out for me is the lore and its inspirations, the art direction, and the beautiful pixel art ! (I also really like discovering every new gore finishing move animation haha)
Really curious to see the sequel !

Heard a lot of great things about it, yet I was sincerely surprised by how good it actually is.
Excellent metroidvania that takes a LOT of inspiration from Metroid Dread and other famous games of the genre, but can manage to make it's own things especially in terms of movements and abilities.
Art direction is also one of it's big strength. The game is very pleasant to look at with it's huge structures and colorful landscapes in the background; and the over the top animation in cutscenes is super fun.
A great game to play on the switch imo

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Unfortunately I didn't enjoy this remake as much as the original, for multiple reasons, some very subjectives :
- They centered a lot the marketing on the fact that the combat system was reworked to match Automata and ... it was not ? I haven't played the OG again, but while they clearly took time to make great animations, the gameplay in itself still felt a bit old
- The game feels old overall, especially since it's coming after Automata. The different routes are still pretty boring, especially after the second one. Playing Kainé on route B would have been pretty logic (but obviously would have made ending E less impactful)
- Speaking of ending E : while I really enjoyed it as new NieR content, it does make ending D way less impactful. Also it's way too hidden ? There's really not any indication that it's even a thing, so I think it's supposed to be like a surprise for when you eventually want to play the game again ?
- Papa NieR is just a big part of why I like the first game, cause I'm easily moved by father-child relationships, and not at all by brother-sister ones ... and Yoko Taro seems to not care about this character at all ( and I get that he was created for marketing reasons, but in the end that's the character we outside of Japan got to know and love)

So yeah its a great game, although not necessarily a good remake imo, and I'm more emotionally attached to Gestalt.

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Played this game during a weird period of my life and I was instantly hooked, and I guess it sticked with me since then. Perfect combination of great combat with clear paterns, fascinating world to explore with beautiful hand-drawn visuals, music, lore, details, fun NPC voices etc ...
I constantly go back to it, either to casually start a new save file or to try new awful challenges (really proud of having done every boss on Radiant difficutly, currently trying to beat P5 with all bindings ...)

I was really not familiar with SCP, Backrooms, or any other creepypastas really, so this kind of world was totally new to me and I loved it ! Tons of ideas and unique sequences, I really like how common objects can have their own semblance of personnality and be terrifying; gameplay is fun enough, and I noticed some interesting themes near the end of the game.

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I've never played another game like that.
The falsely rhythm-based gameplay is unique and such a good idea + the big story/gameplay twist makes perfect sense. It's really addictive too, I often go back to the game to play a few bossfights.
The OST is full of bangers by different artists, and works even better ingame. Lots of creativity in its visuals too. And I really love the characters, they're all very fun !
And omg the finale is one of the greatest videogame sequence of all time really !! Having Reconciliation followed by Euthanasia Rollercoaster literally made me cry, and I loved the story despite not believing in life after death at all.
I remember the exact moment this game became one of my favorites, I want everyone to play this game.

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I was told this was similar to Outer Wilds and Return of the Obra Dinn so I had very high hopes, and while the similarities are there it just didn't grow on me.
The city has an overall cool atmosphere to it, it's really pretty and you really feel like exploring it. It's fun to experiment with the loop in the beginning, and the game has a few cool unique sequences.
But the mystery's resolution just did not live up to my expectations. ( After seeing the older "hells" buried under the city, I was expecting something more related to the succeeding civilizations and religions, or uh colonialism, imperialism, I don't know ) The true ending and the epilogue were just really not my thing.

Both a very fun village-boat management game with a really beautiful hand-drawn art direction,
And a very human and touching story, really well written. I teared up a little at each and every character's farewell.

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One of the first game that really moved me and made me think about many subjects, including videogames themselves.
Takes a bit of time to really get into it, but I really enjoyed how the creators/designers tried to vary the experience despite the (I presume) kinda low budget; playing with camera angles, shmup sequences, the routes system with new characters and new mechanics, etc ...
The whole final act inside the tower is one of my favorite videogame finale / moment overall. I've replayed the game 4 or 5 times, and everytime I understand more stuff/ gain new interpretation on things.

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Such a great game, I was kinda part of the annoying fanbase when it came out haha
So many memorable moments, characters, ost, jokes, everything in perfect harmony.
Neutral ending is my personal favorite : Asgore fight followed by Flowey, the perfect soundtrack, then the bittersweet epilogue on the phone ...

But now as much as I love that game I can't play it anymore. I've replayed it so many times that I just know it by heart, and when I get to the waterfall I just stop.
So instead I watch Etika's playthrough, because Etika and Undertale are forever linked in my mind. He has the perfect reaction on every moment, and you can see how the game is really affecting him. That playthrough perfectly encapsulate what both Undertale and Etika are to me (in good and bad ways : Etika's chat during the genocide run is probably one of the most toxic place I've ever seen)

Even just moving Mario around is already fun !