The captain system is great and you could sink so many hours into it, story is pretty alright

Pretty decent Pokémon game, gimmick still not even in the same universe as Megas, but i like the characters and it's still a Pokémon game

Peak. Majorly responsible for who i am today. I love this game.

Funny guns, funny women

And of course THE BRO YELLOW

I really do love so much about this game, but the Four Lords section has entirely halted my progress

I love the main cast so much Vergil and Dante have to be two of the most charismatic motherfuckers ever written. One of the most fun games i've played

I adore with every part of my soul the cast, event stories and main stories past LB 5

But fuck that greedy ass gacha system

The cast is strong and the sheer level of broken you can reach is comedy, goated game

Bit clunky and i kinda sucked, but it's raw

All the raw shit you'd expect from a character action game but with the politically fuelled insanity cranked up to 11.

Practically perfect other than some boss hitbox jank. Ludwig is tied greatest boss and theme of all time with only Gael. The trick weapons are some of the rawest shit ever.

Impossible to hate i genuinely believe it to be entirely illogical.

Gen 5 had no reason to go this absolutely insane in almost every single aspect but it did and i love it