19 reviews liked by RE_born

they yassified my stalker..
youtubers should really stop gaslighting the masses that this is the "definitive experience" bc it's not

Hunters are getting a little too strong. I feel bad for the monsters at this point.

The addition of the claw mechanic makes clear the problems the game has with freedom and customization, almost dictating a "right" way to play

Makes Fallout feel like a game for children.

A true Eastern European game.

Everyone says Anomaly is "the definitive stalker experience" and I agree with that. But the caveat they forget to mention is that Anomaly is not exactly new player-friendly. It is mostly for people already familiar with the universe set by the originals, for players that seek an ultimate customizable sandbox, one that can create their individual vision of what a "definitive experience" should look like.

So if you have the patience to mod Anomaly and tweak every little setting to fit your view of what a perfect stalker game should be, then yes, it is wonderful.

If you got directed to Anomaly by some rando on twitter and are new to the series, just want to see what's up before Stalker 2 hits, I recommend sticking with the originals.

Only delve into Anomaly (and other mods) once you start to feel the OGs are not enough to satisfy your desire to wander the Zone. Once you start to have thoughts like "wouldn't it be cool if..."

The phantom, exterior like fish eggs, interior like suicide wrist rags.
I could exercise you, this could be your phys-ed.
Cheat on your man homie - AGHHH, I tried to sneak through the door man!
Can't make it, can't make it, the shit's stuck! Outta my way son! DOOR STUCK! DOOR STUCK! Please! I beg you! We're dead-!
You're a g-genuine dick sucker!

A good modernization of the series, however endgame is a bit lacking and some fights in the postgame are just badly designed.

If you wanna play the Kanto games just as Pokemon games, this is it. FRLG is peak Kanto imo, it's very simple and to the point but it still captures the charm. I think the music here is some of the best from gen 1-3. The game progresses very cleanly and still has a great roster, the original 151 are still as iconic as ever. These definitely aren't a bad place to start if you wanna get into Pokemon, and are good for revisiting for the fun of it.

I could happily spend the entire game just shopping in binco and suburban.

Literally tried my best for these people and those fuckers still exiled me