Best FPS game ever made. Valve always delivers. This game revolutionized object physics in games.

WOAH, WOAH, WOAH. They made multiplayer Metroid prime work so well! The game is like Prime 1 but taken to another level! (Quite literally.)


If you want a Batman game. Pick this one! It's the best Batman game ever. CHANGE MY MIND

This shit's fire. Motion controls feel great and the mechanics are so good. One of the most unique games I've ever played

The one that started it all... That's all there is, go play LBP 2.

Now this is how you make a 3D platformer everyone!

The low ratings are just kids not getting past the 3 tutorial worlds. This is one of my favourite games and is an absolute blast AFTER the 3 tutorial worlds.

Listen I don't even own this game let alone a PS5. But I played through a big chunk of this thing at my friend's house. So from what I played, this is an awesome tech demo!

This game saved gaming. The video game crash of 1983 made so many companies and individuals stop being interested in video games. This game SAVED THE INDUSTRY. If it wasn't for the original Super Mario Bros. on NES, Nearly every video game released today wouldn't exist. Nintendo SAVED gaming, All thanks to that they marketed the NES as the "Ultimate Toy" instead of a normal video game console. This is the most important game, ever!

This is the best sonic game. Nothing will top it.

I played Ocarina of Time AAAAND Majora's Mask on this. Sooo fucking good. I love these games to death. Ocarina of Time is the most impressive "Dang this game is good for it's time!" type game ever and Majora's Mask is the sickest asset reusing sequel ever. However this collection feels kinda empty without A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening, would give this five stars if they were included but this is still super good value. I mean I guess it's because they were already playable on GameCube via GameBoy player but like 3 people bought that so why not add them?

Not as good as LBP 2 but a good game nevertheless.