6/10. 90% of the playerbase are screaming children with angry parents. Also I was banned! Lmfao.

Super Mario Galaxy 2, eh? Level design? Better. Hub world? Better. Level Themes, Gimmicks & Powerups? 10 Times the Awesome! Fluffy-Bluff Galaxy might even be sexier than Gusty Garden Galaxy! But.. There's one thing: The Atmosphere.. Lacking the power it had in the first game. However, I don't see this as an issue. Galaxy 1 is the only Mario game ever to ever have such good feeling world building. And it's a special case, Mario games are Mario GAMES. Not GAMES WITH REALLY AWESOME STORIES. That's only the case for Galaxy 1. You play Mario games for the jolly fun times, not the Galaxy 1-Level Atmosphere. You wanna get immersed? Go play The Last of Us.

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Not sure about this one.. For starters, this is evidently a PS4 port. They thought about the PS5 AND then the PS4. The game looks just as good as Marvel's Spider Man 1 but.. It runs like ass! Plus, I don't like Miles Morales in this game! He's an idiotic bitch weasel. I really like Miles in spider-verse, every character is really good in spider-verse. But not in this one! I semi-liked Ganke. I didn't like Phin at all, her connection with Miles kinda felt like a last minute decision. The gameplay is good. This is Insomniac's Spider-Man after all! Miles' powers are.. Fine! They just make the game a bit too much easier.. The swinging is a MASSIVE improvement. Like what IGN said: "You really feel the exaggerated swagger of a black teen." Tricks are really nice to pull of, movement is way more fluid, every animation feeling connected instead of you just seeing that a new one has started playing and there are nice tweaks like the air combat dodge being real nicer and such. Good game, but way worse and WAYYY smaller-scale than the first one. I beat it in like 2 days! That was my entire sick weekend man!

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This is how you fucking season pass. More content, more spidey-action. Including Black Cat (oo-la-la) and Black Cat. Black Cat, damn I gotta stop thinking this thing's all about Black Cat but like.. The Cat is fucking back! Pretty much the only incarnation of Black Cat I've ever LIKED as a character. Yes I know she's supposed to be a smart, seductive, anti-hero, criminal-type gal. But I think this is the only game that's shown those traits clearly. The levels and design are sublime as always. Characters are super fun, I liked MJ's missions here in all 3 campaigns. (Fight me!) And really enjoyed every story element, I really liked the spider-bot invasion thing in Hammerheads' casino hideout thing that was awesome. And also the final fight and dynamic with Yuri and Hammerhead was really touching. GREAT season pass, also liked what they did with Silver Sable. Making her a likeable AND a hateable character!

Really, really, really EXCELLENT! The music, visuals, moments, dialog, feel, emotion and pure energy oozing from this video game is amazing. The power you feel from physically swinging a sword, the sheer emotion you feel in Link and Zelda's sweet and sad moments. Fucking amazing, this is a video game a gamer of any kind needs to experience. Casuals, hardcores, nerds-alike. This, is a real video game. This.. Is far from perfect, but it's damn good alright.

I love this game. Why don't you!? It has a buddy system, select two characters and play as both of them simultaneously! Origins attempted that but it doesn't stand a chance against Cream the Rabbit, her pet chao "Cheese" and Miles "Tails" Prower strollin' through Route 99!

My favourite beat-em-up. I don't care what other people say to me, I've played Streets of Rage IV and it was good but like.. This is fucking Scott Pilgrim we're talkin' about! He has an array of excellent-masterclass comic books, a damn good movie, a super good anime and this jam of a video game. So close your mouth and don't mention the words "Ubisoft" and "Connect". Cause those words form "Ubisoft Connect". The app that is actively attempting to ask me for a blowjob.

After playing this game I have received 46 criminal charges and 97 fees of various degree. (I got fired too!)

This is a message to bro. If you are not bro, stop reading.

Bro, 4 stock, gaur plain, no DLC characters OR Bowser Jr. you down?

Never letting anyone smell my crotch ever again after playing this game.

What the fuck has my grandfather been up to!? Why has he reached the capacity of making interdimensional portals?!?! I'm scared.

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Mario and gang got so high in this game that they f*cking died of drug overdosing and Nintendo had to recast them.

Recently replayed this masterpiece on my PS3. Gotta say, it's just as good as it was when I was eight. This is THE skateboard game. It's so in-depth & always fun. It's impossible to not have fun pulling tricks, jamming to the tunes and stuff like getting driven over by cars and racing a dumpster down a hill.

Best 7/10 game I've ever played.
This game is really, really good. It's practically everything I wanted for a 2020's era 3D sonic platformer. However, this game is just- I don't really know how to put it in any other string of words except for: These developers really needed more time to cook! Ya know.. The ridiculous amount of pop-in that actively annoys the ever living f*ck out of you, the 3rd island literally being 80% 2D, cyberspace being way too lacking when it comes to theme variation, and just the control inconsistencies with some things like some moves being unable to pull off in 2D and the open-world 3D physics not translating into cyberspace is just plain WEIRD.

I kinda love this game though. Especially the writing, story, tone and series direction.

Just got this for 3 dollars on steam. This game is amazing! It's movement is so fluid, the pacing is so good, the characters are likeable, the story is awesome. The shooting is balanced, the game stays fresh. I love this!