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I didn't like it as much as the previous game. While it leans harder into the nonlinear narrative aspect of the other games in the series, the fragments system makes all events feel pointless until very late in the game, as you can't tell where, when, why, or if certain events take place. While it's not the worst way the series could end, I had a weird moment a few weeks back where I was SURE there was a fourth game coming, because there's no way THAT could be the note they end it all on (it is though).

Play it play it play it play it play it play it play it.
I was even very compelled by the obligatory battle sequences. VERY worth your time.


Probably Supergiant's best work so far, and that's a very high bar to clear.

Not bad, but annoying enough in certain places to dissuade me from ever going back to it. Commendable effort.

A lot of the investigation segments have you stumbling through areas looking less for evidence and more for how to trigger the next flag to make an NPC arbitrarily decide you can ask them something else; often it's not even a relevant trigger, it's exhausting all other possible options rather than finding something specific you're looking for. Courtroom phases in this game feel especially punishing, as in mistakes take out more of your meter than they did in the previous game, and in some instance result in an instant loss, which just drives home how pointless a loss state is in a VN like this.
(played on 3DS collection)

An aggravating amount of potential. Especially for the third or fourth entry in a series, apparently. Not worth the price they're asking for; I played it from a PS Now subscription (downloaded, not streaming).

Probably less bad than people have hyped it up to be, still not worth playing.


You really have to keep in mind the context it came out in.

It's fine. Feels like it's aimed at a much younger audience though, both in terms of tone and difficulty.

cannot imagine the framerate if you played multiplayer on a rainy stage.
Despite there being more to it than the first game, it compels me less.

I like a lot about it, but it kept crashing on me consistently during one chapter until I changed the settings, the translation is scuffed at some points, and it lacks some key QoL features I think all VNs should have (e.g. a log in case you miss any text or need to re-read something).

I don't hate this game, but it actively hates me.
Edit: 2.5 years later, hindsight has been very kind to this game. I'm bumping up the rating several stars because it was funny, even if the joke feels like it's at the player's expense. Arguably, that makes it way funnier, and I want more people to play it.

I really thought I would like what this game was going for, but when the jank extends from the aesthetics and into the controls and level design, it becomes a problem. The excessive particles on-screen in response to every enemy or obstacle destroyed cause the game to heavily stutter and regularly drop inputs at critical moments; the stuttering is funny when it's happening during a cutscene, but incredibly annoying when it gets you killed for the fifteenth time. There's also an incredibly aggravating glitch in the fifth level (the one with the bike), where during an autoscrolling segment you'll bounce off an invisible wall or something over a pit. This happened to me repeatedly and consistently until it didn't; I have no idea what was different about the one time I made it through. The levels don't feel like they were designed around the moveset or speed of the character, but feel instead like they were only slightly edited so as to just barely allow you through with that character.
Still, I do like the aesthetics and general attitude and idea of the game, there are just many glaring issues in the actual excecution. I hope the developer improves on the ideas here in the sequel; they have shown to be receptive to feedback in the past.