really fun idea but there are some technical problems

Vanillaware does it again.

Massive game with a lot of content and many, MANY characters. Many people have said its similar to Tactics Ogre but I have never played that game, so if you did, it's like that. If you haven't, This is a Real Time with Pause strategy JRPG where battles are played between parties that have programmed attacks, and its very, very fun and cool.

There are a lot of characters you find with stories and conversations between each other and its fun to combine them in units to see how they work and see them interact in the story and in conversations.

The only reason it doesn't get a perfect score for me is because the story is a tad bit generic. Could have had some more sauce especially coming from 13 Sentinels which was absolutely crazy. Some minor nitpicks as well such as animations being pretty slow and speeding them up mutes the music. Besides that it's genuinely amazing.

It's a survival crafter, not a horror game. It's not bad but it's 20 hours longer than I thought it would be.

A lot of this game is finding something that could be creepy and then realizing you'll be spending minutes collecting materials to fix your car.

I remembered I didn't really like Persona 5.

This game has so many interesting mechanics and so much stuff that are very impressive for a gameplay loop that wants you to play a movie.

More money should have been spent into those gameplay mechanics instead of realism that very few people will notice. The game already looks realistic enough, the few details that cost so much weren't needed.

holy fucking shit its good
(V2.0 Demo)

Very jank but VERY interesting and immersive. There's nothing like it and it feels amazing when you do pull off a case solved.

it's really hard which is what I wanted. Story has some cool turns but ends mostly just okayish.

I went back and beat it with some friends

it's peak.

Amazing climbing game with movement mechanics similar to Death Stranding. Very pretty and with fun gimmicks for each chapter.

Ends a bit abruptly and the controls have a few weird hangups but its very satisfying to pull off difficult jumps.

I tried REALLY hard but its just not for me.

no comment.

What version of this game you're playing depends on the server. Each server has different vibes, culture and gamemodes. There is some shared canon but a lot of it is modified between servers.

One of my favorite games of all time. Immaculate vibes, writing, gameplay and setpieces. It's very fun, funny and well made.

Don't play if for too long or you'll get hand cramps.

This is what Star Fox needed.

Considering the whole triology.

This is an amazing take on the stealth genre that made it very unique and interesting. A lot of good ideas that just needed to be freshed out. I don't know why it needed to be always online and take three whole games worth of purchases but if you can get the whole thing as a whole package for a sane price it's definitely a great choice.