Nitro Fueled was actually my first exposure to CTR, and for the time that it was released, it was lots of fun! The story mode was quick and simple, and the characters were all pretty customizable by the end of the games life cycle. (Megumi is best Trophy Girl!) However, when the game announced the Grand Prix feature, it became more of a grind fest, which required you to be good at CTR or else your work will only net you little rewards. Still a great game overall.

Crash Bandicoot 4's biggest feature actually turns out to be one of it's worst, which is the inclusion of the N.Verted levels. The game is already pretty long, but these levels were clearly created to pad time for the 106% end goal. It's a fun game to play casually, but never go for 106% unless you have LOTS of time to put in.

Castle Crashers has always been one of my favorite co-op beat em ups. This remastered version was the first time i fully completed the game, and i am really glad it released. The art is nice, the music is lovely, the little animal orbs are fun, and the game gets a little challenging at points which is great! Playing alone or with a friend to experience this works perfect!

Super Mario Land is a classic, and so is the sequel! Pretty solid gameplay, quirky level design, and also very short! The final level's huge difficulty spike wasn't the best though.

Brain vs Brain is the latest title for the Big Brain Academy series, released on Switch in 2021. It's quite a simple game filled with minigames that increase in difficulty the better you do. I collected every accessory and thought my experience was fun overall!

ASTRO's Playroom is probably my favorite tech demo ever. It displays the cool functions of the PS5 and is loaded with references to some of my favorites, like Final Fantasy, PaRappa, Until Dawn, DDR, etc. It feels nice to control as well, it makes me hopeful to get a full game featuring the little guy that isn't tied to wearing a VR over your eyes.

Paper Mario 64 was the second video game that introduced me to RPGs. Even without that fact, it still holds up to be one of my favorite games. The story and character designs are fairly simple, but it's really nice collecting each party member as i replayed through the game, something i haven't done in about a decade. The beginning is definitely a little slow, but once you get past that prologue, it's a wonderful and charming time. I did NOT collect all of the badges and star pieces, but i really didn't feel like i needed to.

ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission is a pretty fun game. The biggest obstacle has to be the VR headset itself. It feels really clunky sometimes, but i understand that my play area wasn't ideal for how much space Sony wanted me to have in my room. If you can get past the hurdle of buying a PSVR, i'd say this is worth your time!

When this game was first announced for modern platforms, i became really excited. The TV show is one of my favorite pieces of media, but unfortunately, the game falls short. Animations take too long, it's not super fun to play, and it could've been handled a lot better.

I believe that Animal Crossing: New Horizons was the first dive into Nintendo's business plan of "releasing games with content planned for the future". While i did not play it at launch, it missed a lot of features and marks for people. I wouldn't even consider revisiting the end product that we have now, unfortunately.

Among Us is an interesting concept for a game, but was unfortunately forgotten about due to the lack of updates. And even when it was updated, there wasn't anything big that would bring people back to it immediately. Which was a shame, considering how fun this game can be. Having it be easily accessible through cross-play and mobile was definitely a neat feature. I would recommend that anyone looking to play this in 2023 (for whatever reason) gathers a bunch of friends first. The more the merrier!

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(As of this review, i have completed Chapter's 1 - 8 A, B, and C Sides. I have not completed the Golden Strawberry challenges or Chapter 9, but i imagine my thoughts on the game wouldn't be changed much.)

Celeste is a fantastic little indie game that truly captures the feeling of "try, try again". Once i started playing this game, it was difficult to put down. Instead of getting angry at every death, it instead continued to motivate me to keep playing and keep getting better. The little story bits that you witness and the levels you experience definitely make this game worthy of checking out.