Near perfect sequel to DKC. Music is fantastic, the level themes of pirate ships and spooky forests are fun, and the secret world is lots of fun!

Super Mario Land is a classic, and so is the sequel! Pretty solid gameplay, quirky level design, and also very short! The final level's huge difficulty spike wasn't the best though.

Dead by Daylight is pretty fun, but it really loses that charm after a little while. Games can become unfair to play on both sides, and unless you're willing to learn about tricks or perks, you're not gonna have a great time anymore

Super Mario RPG (Switch) is a fantastic remake of the SNES classic. I first finished the original shortly after the announcement in June (i played it as a kid but never beat it) and now i have completed the remake. Very faithful, very pretty, and the remastered soundtrack is PERFECT!


Lake is a simple game where you deliver mail in a smalltown in Oregon. That's it.

Literal 10/10 game though
- You get to be a girl
- You get to deliver mail
- You get to date another girl

I believe that Animal Crossing: New Horizons was the first dive into Nintendo's business plan of "releasing games with content planned for the future". While i did not play it at launch, it missed a lot of features and marks for people. I wouldn't even consider revisiting the end product that we have now, unfortunately.

Final Fantasy VII is a fantastic game, with an awesome silly story and really cool characters. Game gets the really heavy difficulty spike at the end but i can't tell if that's me being bad at it

I checked out a bit of Tekken 7 as part of my project where i check out each game that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate featured as DLC, and Kazuya from Tekken was on the list! I think it's okay, Street Fighter is definitely more of my thing, while Tekken is the more serious, darker looking game. Not too fond of the gameplay, but the character designs and music were nice.

Impossible Lair does a pretty good job of being a better game than Yooka-Laylee (which isn't difficult to do) it has some awesome music and the gameplay is pretty fun.

ASTRO's Playroom is probably my favorite tech demo ever. It displays the cool functions of the PS5 and is loaded with references to some of my favorites, like Final Fantasy, PaRappa, Until Dawn, DDR, etc. It feels nice to control as well, it makes me hopeful to get a full game featuring the little guy that isn't tied to wearing a VR over your eyes.

It was good! I never played the original, but the remake was pretty fun! I mostly played it as Waddle Dee while i let my little sis take the helm as Kirby, i'm glad it was simple enough so that we could play together. The minigames are SO FUN too! Definitely could see some fun multiplayer mayhem with it.

ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission is a pretty fun game. The biggest obstacle has to be the VR headset itself. It feels really clunky sometimes, but i understand that my play area wasn't ideal for how much space Sony wanted me to have in my room. If you can get past the hurdle of buying a PSVR, i'd say this is worth your time!

Trails of Cold Steel is a fantastic game. The gameplay is fun and interesting, the cast of characters were all really nice to fall in love with, and the music was great as well! I think the easiest thing to say to explain my four stars is the length and the sudden difficulty spike at the final fight. The 75 hour playtime felt like it could've been squished to about 60 to 65, but i still enjoyed it. However, i didn't really enjoy the sudden difficulty spike with the end of chapter 6 and close to the end of the final chapter. Both were fights that were difficult mostly because i was playing very casually. Trails of Cold Steel introduces it's mechanics fine, but if i'm gonna play the sequel, i'll need to pay attention a bit more i suppose.

Persona 4 Golden is a pretty good game. The story and ramp in difficulty were a bit meh, but the Investigation Team were a fantastic cast, and Marie didn't feel forced into the story as well, which was fantastic.


Stray is a cute little game about a cat who falls into a ruined city and works his way back outside, meeting robots and little slugs who eat metal. It's not my typical game for sure, but it was definitely a lot of fun! I would recommend to anyone who just wants a cute little time with a cute cat and some fun character interactions.