45 Reviews liked by Reboot

Not much of a racing guy myself but it's kinda crazy how immersive this feels with VR + Wheel combo and how you can feel the handling of different cars.

I really enjoyed the Café approach to the campaign as it showed me, novice to racing about cars and racing from many different viewpoints and increased my appreciation of motorsports.

What a masterpiece. Wonderful art style, distinctive gameplay and a story that got under my skin.

This game has this really strange, sublime sense of horror - this fog of dread that just hangs over your every move. The surrealism of the plot is paired with a wonderful sort of weirdness and philosophical discussions which makes this experience entirely unique and addicting.

You never really get to know any of the characters. In my opinion, they were surprising, yet vague concepts that have to be explored through interpretation. I feel like this is the kind of game that everyone reads a little bit differently and that's the beauty of it.

Map seems a bit empty, the train is super easy to upgrade but.
I really loved this one.
Yeah, it's silly and campy - in the best way possible. The game offers an incredibly creative story line and it doesn't take itself too seriously.

Horror games are my real passion and yet sometimes, I just get bored of seeing the same things over and over again.
If I had to choose between being attacked by a spider-train from hell and searching for keys while solving puzzles (just so I can open another door to solve another puzzle while some kind of vaguely eldritch horror thing chases me), I would pick the train-spider every time.

Me in a drive thru: "U-umm I want one B-Big Mac ple-"

Willard H. Wright on the passenger seat, screaming in my ear: "EARTH TO EARTH. ILUSIONS TO ILUSIONS. THE INGREDIENTS TO WHICH YOU SEEK CAN BE FOUND AT HOME."

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Been QA Testing this for a long while, seen a lot of ups and down. One of the more versatile multiplayer FPS games, drawing from a long line of classic mods and games. This will, on release, 11-11-22 be a great game for people to play and see something different.

Let it be said that I don't actually enjoy Backrooms games all that much: I find them dull and mostly repetitive. A lot of them simply drop you off at the world's worst Ikea and throw a bunch of screeching monsters at you which is... not a great concept in my opinion.

However, The Backroom: Lost and Found actually brings something new to the table - interesting mechanics, an unusual plot and a surprisingly endearing cast of miniature giraffes (?). I actually found myself replaying it once to check out the other endings.

Sure, the environment is a bit ugly (in typical Backrooms style) but it is clear that the devs put a lot of thought into this. I never expected to be emotionally invested in a game like this but I was. Granted, this won't change your life but it is a wonderful (free!) experience and a great way to spend a few hours.

It's pretty decent fun shooting through this hellscape but there is something missing here and in the end it's not that memorable experience.
There are upgrades like double jump and dash but the levels are not designed those in mind so they feel like empty upgrades. The weapons are fun and punchy but the enemy AI can be kinda simplistic and even at times they just stand there and put up no fight.

cringe ass nae nae baby goes to super hell

One of the best FPS campaigns I have played in years. It has some of the best combat encounters I can remember and the level design is no slouch either. The biggest surprise was that it is also well written and funny which is rare in games not just in mods.

They did it again pretty awesome alternate story with great music

I like the premise, though there's hardly any substance.

Its an ARG that goes nowhere, and a game with little fear factor. I think the ambient noise is good? That's about all I enjoyed.

The creator has said there will be a future update, though as is, this game is just not much of anything.

Uhhhh uhhhhhhhh u h mm uhmmmm uhhhhh
uhhhhh Atlus uooooooh i can save her

If You Talk About How Games "Aged Badly" I'm Fucking Stealing Something Out Of Your House