I played this janky mess for three days straight and I loved every bit of it and I'll do it again if there's any content updates. Something about it really scratches a particular itch.

My chief complaint is the painting mechanic - it takes forever to paint stuff and the paint quality drops way too fast, let alone if the graffiti kid catches you when you're busy. Little bastard.

The rest of it is a great time, being able to expand your store and manage employees is extremely satisfying. The rough around the edges look makes it charming and the fact that it owns its buggy nature and makes it fun is a plus.

First off: plot bad

Outside of that, what an amazing time I had with this thing. The powers, the exploration, the combat, hunting down connections to uncover more background story-this is a satisfying game and an enjoyable high speed murder simulator. The options keep things fresh, though some of the challenges got ridiculous in higher tiers, asking for the kind of perfection that destroys your finger tendons.

Also, the ps3 version gets some hellacious slowdown, particularly in boss battles, and the end boss section was damn near unplayable. I should try the pc version, since it goes on sale for like 3 bucks on Steam often.

My addiction to this game was something to behold and I'm really damn upset that there isn't more of it. Well, that got released in America, anyway. This was the perfect game to waste a few minutes at a time with, before phone games were actually any good. A unique take on rhythm games, extremely weird, and very very very fun.

Under the sea
Under the sea
Come get eaten
By a finned cretin
Under the sea!

The cons: there are three kinds of VrChat players- Chill people, children, and adult edge lords who are more obnoxious than the children.

The pros: WOW, the game is actually endless. With people building their own rooms, games, and avatars, there is always something new to check out and experience. Theme parks, cafes, arcades, Among Us clones, haunted houses... Among.. Other things to see. I enjoy going through as a tourist every so often and just seeing what people are capable of and doing a little people-watching to boot. With quarentine being a thing, it's a decent way to chat and meet new folks safely and you can always bail out or block folks that are too obnoxious. Become your own waifu and get lost in Vrchat!


I actually played this through Viveport, so PC VR but whatever.

This is a very chill little VR experience! My first play was maybe 2 hours tops, which is indeed very short, and this isn't the kind of game you rush through. Very pleasing, if simple, visuals and music and a few cool things to unlock. Unfortunately, it's not exactly a game with a lot of content to come back to. The gardening hubworld is very sweet, but I wanted there to be more to it. The puzzles are not difficult, leading to the soothing atmosphere.

This is a perfect game to start off VR with and for when you don't necessarily want something that challenges you. Just don't pay a lot for it, as there's not a lot of game to experience.

Edit: oops there's a port, now I need Dawn of Sorrow on switch also, lmao


A beautifully crafted game, the Souls system is amazing, the extra endings are fun to check out. Enough little secrets to keep you pulled in. A top-tier search adventure. I miss this series, and while I shouldn't reward Konami with more money, I would do it anyway if there was a switch port.

Sometimes we need to just chill out and play with virtual Legos. The versatility of this game makes it truly endless, a game I come back to every few months and go on a frenzy for a week or so. The modding scene adds so much extra content to draw you back in. Want to focus on survival? Adding a million biomes? More monsters? More recipes? It's all out there.

My only gripe is: it has good music, but it needs way, way more of it.


Going to admit that every time that damn fairy says something crude, I laugh like an idiot.

Puzzle play is solid enough, the game knows exactly what it is and has a decent amount of humor about it.

Also boobs.

TW: I cuss in this one

Janky, glitchy, derivative, the loading times are atrocious, there, I said it, there's the cons to Splatterhouse 2010. It's obvious that a ton of content got pruned out during a terrible development process. It's a shame. Now let's get into the good shit.

The voice acting is way better than this game deserves, featuring Josh Keaton and Jim Darkwing-goddamn-Duck Cummings, and the plot is good! You end up wanting way more of it but what's there is campy fun. Jim as the Terror Mask is hilarious, deranged, and he's acting the hell out his lines. It really is amazing.

I want some half decent Lovecraft content in a game just once in my life, and this does tap a little bit into some eldritch horror themes as well as your normal campy gore fest - the amount of mayhem is astounding and the combat is slick and satisfying. This is one of those games that kind of gets easier as it goes on and you unlock upgrades and combos. The splatter kill QTEs get a little old a lotta fast but they don't drag the game down too hard. This is the one game where I performed a QTE and my Significant Other left the room after I literally fisted a giant monster to death in front of him. Truly the finest moment of my gaming career.

It's so sad the game got cut basically in half and the ending was a cliffhanger, because we probably won't get anymore of this insanity any decade soon. There was a lot of potential to be something excellent and it's a great lot of fun as flawed as it is.

It also comes with the three old-school games as a nice bonus.. These glowing claw skeletons can get fucked, though.

This game is absurd, a wonderful guilty pleasure. Its janky, it's broken, but it has something about it I find really charming. It's a wonderful game to play with a group of friends and maybe a beer or two, and that takes the sting out of the random stupid deaths that will take place. The blood moons and trying to survive them are total chaos, and eventually you'll find yourself building concrete madness towers trying to survive each one.

Also turning a strip club into a zombie meat grinder was a lot of damn fun. The fact that they've been updating this game over the years is really something - trying to clear every big house now feels like crawling through a dungeon, and the hospitals and such are sprawling hours-long grueling expeditions. It's dumb in the best kind of way and fun with the right group. Playing alone is a slog and not recommended.

I wanted to love Frostpunk. I love everything about it- the aesthetic, the music, the setting, the choice system are all phenomenal. I like some challenging Sim games. Of course I snapped up Frostpunk.

I've played it several times and failed several times, each time getting a little further before dying due to something I did hours before. Okay, restart, try again. This thing is the dark souls of Sims games. The thing is, each mistake in dark souls doesn't send you back to the beginning, three hours ago.

Maybe I'll revisit and try again, but even my stubborn self couldn't love Frostpunk.

This is the kind of game that you come back and play once a year or so. This is the comfortable pajamas of video games. You take on keeping a group of settlers alive in a medieval setting, with no combat at all- but plenty of ways to lose your people. Starvation, illness, and the elements will steal your workers away from you if you aren't careful, but once you find a balance and learn how to get over the initial difficulty, it becomes very rewarding to watch your village grow and collect more resources for them.

There's tons of mods for this also, adding all kinds of new buildings and jobs for your settlers, so there's plenty to do. The music and sound effects are very mellow, and while the graphics are nothing special, they're not ugly either. A recommended play if you just want to sit and chill.

We ain't gonna get a good Sim City ever again, so it's great to have a spiritual successor. Build your cities with the same kind of choices between industrial/commercial/residential zones, power sources, water sources-if you've played a Sim City game, you know the deal.

Lovely graphics, multiple music stations to chose from, plenty of DLCs and mods to keep literally anyone busy for years. This is the ultimate in city-building games.

A wonderful pixel Sim colony builder with soothing music and a lot of charm. It's constantly being updated and expanded to offer more types of settlers and more things to do. It's a bit of Dwarf Fortress with less tantrum cascades. Build towns, level mountains, dig way down into the terrible depths of the earth for goodies and get destroyed by angry skeletons.

More people should play this, particularly if you're like me and you enjoy a solid colony-builder that also happens to have some simple combat.