I am nowhere near brainpilled enough to play this at a level where my opinion on balance, but Siege's devs are some of the best around vis a vis explaining and justifying the decisions they make and owning up to mistakes.

Sells out the legacy of its predecessor, but at least it's fun in co-op.

I'm one of those people that doesn't like it when the aliens show up. Helicopter level sucks ass too.

Absolute steaming hunk of shit, Ken Levine is a hack. Doesn't even have the benefit of being fun like the first one thanks to a two weapon limit like we're in 2006 and the complete neutering of plasmids.

Le glorified demo meme. At least this one was actually finished.

Narratively it has ambitions that it doesn't quite follow through on, but seeing the potential in what they were going for is good enough for me, personally. Also that fucking HEALTH soundtrack slaps.

Bungie has a very spotty record with their content, but Last Wish is still Top Ten Moments Of Games.

Yeah this is basically peak storytelling, delivering a fantastically crafted narrative while also having you play a created character you have history with is a GOATed decision honestly.

The developers have absolutely no idea what they're doing vis a vis balancing and justify every decision with "well the NUMBERS say-" but considering there is literally nothing else like it around (at least with active players) I guess I like it?

Honestly don't think it's AS bad as people say it is, but there's just a mountain of little annoying stuff that makes me not wanna play it.

If this was a standalone game people probably would've taken it more seriously.

Kaizo version of a game that already wasn't very good, enemy placement feels like a twelve year old booting up a Doom map maker for the first time and just randomly placing entities everywhere.

Monster seeking monster is underrated.