Very interesting and fun. The story is cool on its own, and the cast of companion characters is great. Also, the light-attrition model it uses and general sense of tactical importance felt really good. (Although spamming haste was too strong)

Very compelling, I liked seeing how Sora, Goofy, and Donald interacted with all the different Disney worlds, and the plot got me interested to see where the rest of the series goes. Gameplay left much to be desired.

Definitely a fun game, but it has some major weak spots, and I really don't understand why so many people claim this is the best in the series. Most characters were really good, combat pretty fun, ending was unsatisfying.

Really great avenues for tactical expression in this game, and all of the character interactions are really fun. However, the game goes on a bit too long and overstays its welcome; also it has a generally really strong lack of overall polish.

It's fine. It was pretty fun at first, and I really liked the art and the characters, but the gameplay loop just got too tedious and by the last few chapters I wasn't really having that much. Would be better if it was shorter and better paced.

Really charming and wholesome little cozy game about going on a little hike. I thought it was fun! It’s super short, but every moment just feels so relaxing and it was a great game for me to unwind with right after taking a midterm.

It’s good and the gameplay was generally more of what I loved from 0, but there were tons of writing choices that just frustrated me. Lots of casual Sinophobia, and consistent misogynistic undertones. Also Haruka didn't feel like a realistic 9 year old.

Cute and short little acceleration platformer with a warm theme of finding self-confidence. The game is a little rough around the edges here and there, but I enjoyed it for what it was, and it was short enough to not really get repetitive.

The storytelling in this is some of the best I’ve seen in the medium. Playing this game felt watching a really good TV drama where you can’t help yourself from binge watching a whole season in one sitting. Also, the gameplay was sooo satisfying and smooth.

Interesting for the most part, but the writing took a huge nosedive during the final chapter. Some of the big reveals felt comically unserious. Engaging all the way through, nonetheless.

Fun! It took a good while for me to get hooked into the core gameplay loops of farming, talking to villagers, and exploring dungeons, but once I did, I really started enjoying it. Really charming art style and the story is great.

Pretty neat spinoff of ritual of the night; kinda makes me want to actually play castlevania 3. The music and level design work together well to evoke great atmosphere. Last stage in the game has an absurd difficulty spike lol.

I was whelmed, I guess. Story is mildly interesting, although it resolves unsatisfyingly, and the gameplay is serviceable, if a bit frustrating at times. It’s an interesting relic of early 2010s military shooters, but little more than that.

It's fine. The story was super interesting, and the art direction was great. However, the gameplay is boooooring. Gunplay feels awful, enemies are bullet sponges, the plasmids feel useless, & most of the game is just [Go to Objective].

Oh this is a great game. It has some of the most satisfying JRPG combat I've ever seen, the music is fantastic (as expected from sakuraba), and the story is incredible. Also, it was really nice to see a Tales of game get visuals this good.