The best story in a Zelda game, with some of the best characters as well. Gameplay wasn’t perfect or amazing but I had so much fun.

I’ve probably beaten this game 6 times. I can’t say I know why I keep coming back.

Played this for the first time to completion on the SNES Classic. So damn good.

One of the most disappointing games for me personally

Persona 5 but better in almost every way with more content

This game blew my mind. Cinematic masterpiece in my opinion.

Played on Switch, performance was garbage, the gameplay was slow and unfun, characters and voice acting mediocre

It’s not good by any means, but it’s kept me very busy at work

Such a cute and short game. Upgrading your golden feathers and being able to climb and fly higher and higher each time is wonderful

Really gripping, and nice music if you’re into grunge. Complicated by Heaven’s to Betsy is still on my Spotify playlist

Frustrating as hell, but I kind of enjoy the combat and would like a remake with lots of QOL changes.

MUAH. Perfection for what it is. Oh the music, so good.


I got really sweaty playing this.