To me this was my first true Visual Novel and my god is it amazing.

While yes, its basically just gore porn, I felt it more as an Eldritch Cosmic Horror with its gruesome imagery, unimaginable beings and a hopeless & cynical protagonist spiraling to insanity.

The game that made open world better.

This game is a broken mess and should be the example of what NOT to do as a video game company.

Keeping that in mind, I think what they did AFTER is quite remarkable, not only did they kept trying to fix it after with quite a succession but actually put the game back on people radar and proving that Cyberpunk faults doesn't lie on the content of the game, but the mishandling of management and getting too caught up by the hype of the investors (derogatory) and the fans.

I won't say everything about why I love about this game, but I'll point to just one aspect that I think everyone agrees the strongest point of the game since day 1. Characters, CDPR has managed to make one of the most deep, layered and diverse cast of characters in a such an interesting setting. Judy, Panam, Takamura, Jackie and most loved of all, V, while they are made by us, they are a character and damn, is it a contender to one of the best protagonist there is.

Is this about robots or minorities?

One word: Aesthetics.

This game when it came out had the exact aesthetic I needed and love, the angsty small town teenage drama with weird powers and queer story. I needed this. Doesn't matter that the writing was corny, or the graphics was outdated, I just needed to feel this games.

Like persona, this game is another example of what PEAK JRPG looks like but with another coat of paint.

But the most important why this game is perfect for me, is just the protagonist. Ichiban is such a wonderful protagonist and a breath of fresh air for the themes and story for Yakuza, he actual loves life and he wants to enjoy it with his friends. Its so cheesy but after 8 games with the same protagonist with a theme of manly hood and power, its so nice to just have a character not tied by old traditions and the constant need to display power.

I love Kiryu, but I would die for Ichiban.

God I wish this game wasn't gacha.

Beautiful game. The game that made me actually like western medieval fantasy.

This is my personal favorite FromSoft game personally for one thing, the setting. Call me a weeb but I LOVE medieval Japan, the whole aesthetic, music, visuals, clothing, architecture, everything.

It also has the best traversal and combat, the fast pace movement combined with fast moving attack makes it feel like every fight is like a dance.

This is what to me is PEAK JRPG, personally of course.

This game is not perfect, it has a messy story, some repetitive dungeons, some very annoying characters and a super shoved in expension.

BUT MY GOD IS IT PERFECT IN EVERY OTHER WAY and those other ways are why its perfect for me. Visuals, Music, Gameplay loop and, fuck it, I love some of the tropeness of it.

So this is a personal rating.

I think the only thing I can say is that Red Dead Redemption 2 has one of the best protagonist in any media I known. Both because of the performance of the actor and the actual redemption arc he is going through until the end.

Fucking AMAZING game.

Stunning visual, beautiful soundtrack and fun as fuck gameplay.

the only critique that the boss variation after awhile become repetitive and kinda makes some bosses feel like special.