Best Smash Inclusions Ranking

Ranking which series were the best and most deserving to see in Smash, and which was represented best. Only going to be looking at third party series, as most first party inclusions feel like a given.

The King of Fighters '97
The King of Fighters '97
In Sakurai's words, a game like Super Smash Bros. wouldn't have existed without Fatal Fury and King of Fighters. So much love was poured into representing such a prolific series, finally giving it and SNK's entire catalogue the wider recognition it really deserves.


Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
Still fucked up that this was the first third-party to get into Smash at all, and it's good too! The codecs are some of the best stuff in Brawl, and even though Konami's soured relationship with Kojima worsened his representation in Ultimate it's still cool to see him there.


Sorely needed to be represented in this series, and it was done damn well too. It was really funny when all the self-proclaimed Castlevania heads said "who is that?" when they saw Richter. I mean, I did too, but I wasn't out here saying I knew Castlevania back in 2018.


Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
I can't believe how much Kazuya is just playing Tekken in Smash Bros.


Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest
Maybe I'm letting my bias out a little, but the way Hero was represented always felt really great. Although it leans a bit heavily on DQXI, it's faithful to the legendary JRPG series almost to a fault, with a nice translation of Toriyama's design work and a soaring stage worthy of the name. If only Sugiyama had died sooner so we didn't get these gross fucking MIDIs.


Everything here is so good except theres no vocal tracks!! Why does Persona get special privilege and Bayonetta doesn't!?


Same as Bayonetta. Great representation of Minecraft, faithful to the source material to a fault, but where's the REAL Minecraft music?


Trying to represent Pac-Man's legacy well is always gonna be weird to do, but the direction of not just bringing in him but a lot of the other classic Namco arcade titles was really nice.


Mega Man 9
Mega Man 9
Smash embraced Mega Man in a day and age when it seemed like Capcom never would.


The Nintendo fan propaganda that this game is the second coming of Christ worked. I'm glad that Nintendo still has a good relationship with Rare in some sense, at least.


Street Fighter II Turbo
Street Fighter II Turbo
Same sort of issue as with FF where it tends to only care about Street Fighter II, but I guess I get it. Whatever. I popped off when I heard the SFIII parry sound in Ultimate


Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Fun representation in the music department, but Sonic's actual playstyle is soooo boring. They've had 3 games to do something with him other than the spin dash and they simply don't want to.


Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
What happened? A series so prolific and rife with potential to be represented well done in probably the worst way possible. Is Sakurai allergic to every FF game other than VII? AND he liked Advent Children?


Persona 5
Persona 5
Again, I am biased, but what the fuck. Why is it Persona 5? Why is it Persona at all? Does the most recent shining little star really get to take precedent over the decades-long history of Shin Megami Tensei? Where's Jack Frost!!!!????


Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles
Every day I wish I lived in the world where this series didn't get in Smash and stayed niche...


Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
Fuck you!! Fuck Kingdom Hearts bro all my homies hate Kingdom Hearts. They really made me think this trailer was leading to the reveal of Dark Souls and it's this shitty little kid with his stupid fucking mickey mouse key and I'm still so mad about it


1 Comment

1 year ago

fuck Sora

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