my personal favorite zelda game tbh. the game's world and characters are charming as fuck and the dungeons are fun as hell aside from like 2 iirc

apparenty the beginning is slow as fuck which i guess i can see but i didn't feel it at all while playing because i'm built different but anyway i really love this game to death it's like top 3 games period

I've played this game like 9 times lmao this is top 2 games ever the story is pretty good and the game itself is really fun the world oozes charm and the character writing is surprisingly deep this game is awesome it's amazing I love it and it's also short so it shouldn't be hard for most people to be able to finish so if you have the time I recommend playing it ahaha

This game might not seem much to most people but I really love this game so strong 10 easy das crazy

This game is absolutely dogshit. A lot of the major points of the story are really bad, the antagonists are genuinely super fucking weak, some of the characters could've been done much better

This is one of my favorite games of all time

kondo was like "peep dis" and just casually made rean my favorite video game character. ok.


it's alright i guess it made me cry really hard at one point but y'know it's just okay

amazing game i really liked it but damn this would've been an absolute masterpiece if the rushed development didn't fuck it so hard

still an incredible story though like holy shit

another group delusion i just can't have fun with this game idk why

y'all in a group delusion dawg this shit sucks ass

This game turned all of my friends into bonjangling idiots please someone help them

this game would be a fat 6 if not the for the ending LMAOOOO