Elden Ring ultimately brings nothing new to the table hell the reviewers didn't even finish the game yet they're throwing positive reviewers left and right. Remember death loop? that's what I thought. And here's the kicker folks PC performance is apparently abysmal and yet Elden Ring is somehow GOTY, How so? all you do in this game is give run around a empty deserted "open world" landscape killing everything and anything that somewhat moves. "FROM SOFTWARE GAMES really hit that home run! The game is garbage it's mediocre! but most Elden Ring Shills will just say "Oh it's so revolutionary." or "You just suck at the game and you got filtered by the first boss and blah blah blah." No it's not! it's not in any sense of that word
It's the same old BS Fromsoftware releases. it's an asset flip and now it's being rewarded! If this is the best the medium has to offer then I'm out. I don't wanna play video games anymore if this is the standard for quality.

One of the most boring and tedious games I've ever played. Also Pioneered the trend of other shitty open world games like Elden Ring, Halo Infinite, etc. I wouldn't recommend it at all, unless you like walking around killing shit and constantly discarding weapon after weapon cause they're about as durable as a dollar store condom. (Unless you get the hyrule sword but has a cool down to make the process of constantly switching weapons out over and over alive!)

One of the worst halo games I've ever played, let alone ""remastered"" games. Visually disgusting and completely downgraded in every way possible. Reused Assets from Halo 3 and Reach make the cutscenes and overall design choices of the game suck. It also doesn't help that they entirely removed the blood from the elevator in 343 guilty spark which seriously killed the entire atmosphere of the original. Instead of the Forerunner containment building being dark and musty It's all brightened and Lightened up like the inside of a fucking gaming PC. 343 Has no sense or understanding of Halo's art direction and it's disgraceful to both the original and franchise bungie left behind. Play the original, it may not have shiny graphics but the game looks great enough for its time.

It fucking sucks, there are times where Noclip and godmode are both mandatory to continue, but for what it's worth the story (although being extremely stupid is surprisingly funny as long as you don't take it seriously.) And if you're that much of a nerd (like myself) you can recognize Left 4 dead 2 zombie animations during some of the cutscenes.

Fun engaging combat unfortunately it's an ""action"" game????? yuck! and resident evil fans don't like that! they prefer shitty bullet sponge mold monsters and scripted jumpscares to satisfy their very complex and never ending thirst for horror........

All Jokes aside this is a good resident evil game that didn't deserve to be shit on as much as the community gave it. The combat is engaging, satisfying and fun but it overall suffers in the end because the game doesn't tell you how to actually play the game. And the 10 minute walking scene in the house for leon's campaign doesn't really do it any justice in the long run. If you are willing to look past what the majority think and say. You have a high chance of enjoying it

Resident Evil Village's story is surprisingly bland. Ethan's still a boring protagonist the combat is atrocious and the monsters you kill take a million fucking bullets to actually take down. The best part of the game is the Factory but you aren't in there for that long. Everything else is either a drag or just boring. I beat the game on village of shadows difficulty but I hated every second of it. It's just the base game except it takes even longer to beat because of the idiotic health boost all the enemies have. I wouldn't recommend it.

The boss fights are fun, the soundtrack is great but everything else besides the boss fights isn't very enjoyable in my opinion. If you are willing to play everything then you'll enjoy this game

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Dead Space 3 Awakened is what Dead Space 3 should've been. More horror focused but with the same amount of action as Dead Space 2 Isaac and Carter's relationship as the DLC goes on begins to crack and their beliefs begin to clash with each other With Isaac saying they should be dead so the other Brethern Moons can't find Earth while Carter thinks Isaac is just crazy and wants to return to Earth believing he killed what makes the markers. And by the time Isaac realizes they knew all along they agree to head back to Earth to warn them of the other Brethern Moons. It ends in my opinion on one of the best cliffhangers ever. It's intense, horrifying and overall pretty damn good. If you own dead space 3 and enjoyed it I'd recommend getting this but if you don't I'd rather reccomend you just play 1 or 2