96 Reviews liked by S13M

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real good one, wheatie, dropping the Persona 3 review on March 5th.


I don't know where to start this review. This was a complete impulse purchase that took me 8 months to finish through sporadic, on and off sessions, only to finally power through it over the last couple weeks thanks to the release of Persona 3 Reload. Before this, my last experience with anything Persona 3 was my first ever playthrough of FES back in 2019. I definitely remember enjoying it a substantial amount, but something held it back compared to the latter two that I had played before it. Could've been the AI teammates, could've been the admittedly weaker antagonists this game presents, could've just been my lack of expectations going into it! Who knows, but I've grown to appreciate Persona 3 a lot more over time, and this recent playthrough of Portable has done nothing but enhance that appreciation.

So what does P3P do for the original game? You can choose the same old male protagonist, playing the story as though it were base P3, albeit minus the animated cutscenes and modeled dialogue portions, or you can play it the right way opt for the newly added female protagonist, complete with loads more social links and some much prettier colors. I naturally chose the newer of the two, and I will undoubtedly say that it is league's better than base Persona 3. Say what you will about Makoto, I just think Kotone is a way more fun protag. On top of that is her replacements for some of Makoto's worse-off social links, in my opinion, Magician being Junpei instead of Kenji, Moon being Shinjiro instead of Nozomi, and especially Fortune being Ryoji instead of Keisuke. Hell, I didn't even hate Keisuke, but I will happily take more time with Ryoji instead, given just how integral he is to the story and being given the choice to actually talk with him outside of story beats.
I found the two brand new characters to be super interesting as well. Rio a bit less so (and i mean come on girl you can do better than kenji), but Saori taking the new spot of the Hermit link is a deeply saddening (borderline horrifying by the end of it) story that can get really unsettling with the information you're told.

If I haven't gushed enough over the new content, that's because I haven't gotten into the music yet. Persona 3 already had a beautiful soundtrack that accentuated its most emotional points perfectly, and Portable adds just a few more to that list. Some of those few being my favorite tracks in the entire OST, Time and A Way of Life. Some of the most soothing songs to come out of the Persona series, making wandering the area nothing but a pleasant experience.

More than anything, I love the feeling of Persona 3. The cold, depressing feeling that comes with everyone's story. That dreadful feeling that overwhelms you near the end of the game. It knows how to set a tone magnificently, and it all culminates in easily one of the most emotional endings I've ever experienced in any game. By God, I'm pretty sure I got more choked up this second time around than my original FES run.

I think I'm willing to call this my favorite Persona, even despite my Persona 4 nostalgia bias. This game is devastatingly beautiful all the way through.


anyway special fuck yous to a particular guide site by the way, for their fucked up guide on Ryoji's social link being one of the top results and freezing me up just 3 ranks in. yes, i'm still thinking about it. no, the bug that accidentally got me to rank 4 didn't help.

Underrated game on the switch. A Nintendo-backed sequel with more budget would blow people's minds but maybe it should be done on the next gen Nintendo console.

Most emotional a game has ever made me

god i really wish there was a 4.9 option on backloggd, because that's exactly where persona 3 reload sits for me. the original shook me to my core in high school, and getting to experience it all over again these years later was such a great experience. i do have a few nitpicks (which ill get to) but ill get the good stuff out of the way first.

the soundtrack, to nobody's surprise, is fantastic. a majority of the songs here feel improved upon compared to the original, and while it took some getting used to, the new singer was great, alongside the always fantastic Lotus Juice. gameplay is just a persona 5'd version of the original game (compliment), with improvements to make each party member viable and good. theurgies and personality traits are the star of the show here, and are such a cool mechanic. the new arcana cards in tartarus were so busted and so fun.

each social link is fully voice acted which is a SHOCK, though i guess some of them are shorter in dialogue than others so it probably wasnt too bad to do. the main cast VAs all do a really good job though. i dont know how crazy i was about Akihiko and Yukari's voice actors, but i got more used to them as time went on. the dorm hangouts were pretty neat, and the male party member "social links" were great also, giving way more screentime to all of the SEES group.

and with screentime as a topic, lets segue into... the bad parts!! strega got more screentime here, which i was excited for initially since Chidori was the only real 'developed' character from the original cast. however, now that ive beaten the game, the extra screentime for those 3 was not a lot, and was like 90% focused on Takaya. Jin barely gets anything and strega as a whole dont really feel any more in-depth than they were originally.

the story of persona 3, as awesome as it is, suffered from HORRIBLE pacing problems. reload seemed like the new party hangouts at the dorm would fix that, along with new story moments, but... its still pretty rough man. it got a lot better towards the end of the game (probably when shinji died?) but those first couple months are still ROUGH, especially April-June. Tartarus got a SERIOUS visual facelift here (which is awesome btw), but even with its new gameplay additions I still feel like its missing something. I would've enjoyed maybe an optional area below tartarus, or something similar to the challenge doors in p3p (though i guess thats what the monad doors are?). much better to go through comparatively, but i still feel like there could've been juuuuuust a bit more meat to tartarus.

the last of my negatives go into more nitpicky areas: Aigis, aka the best persona character ever made, had a very good transition from Robot to Human in the original game, with her entire suite of dialogue during battle be replaced and revoiced with less robotic tones. reload does not do this, and she still has some of those voice lines, in and outside of battle. She does a fantastic job in her Social Link, and in the story towards the end of the game (especially the ending), so its not the worst thing ever. i anticipate to see what she'll be like in the inevitable Answer DLC. difficulty in this game was also pretty negligible: I played on hard (not merciless but ive heard the same sentiments) and only really had trouble with like, two boss fights the entire game. I havent fought Elizabeth though so that number probably will go up to three.

the wall of issues and nitpicks would make you think id rate this as NOT five stars, but the sheer power of this games themes and messages moved me six years ago, and moved me AGAIN even more so six years later. this is a game that will stick with me for the rest of my life, and i cant recommend it enough to any JRPG fan. looking forward to the persona 4 remake in this engine as well!

It's a solid platform, but definitely not as good as many other Wario Land (especially 4).

Makoto doesn’t look like a smelly little grimy sludge weasel anymore this remake sucks

a game about helping people even though they won't remember it

MFers be like "how does Nintendo keep doing it" and then you check the credits and the same people have been working on these games for 75 years instead of getting replaced every 6 months

"Super Smash Bros" for people who wear deodorant

I started this game with a hater's killing intent, Final Fantasy simply does not mean anything to me, and I've tended to a garden of dislike for Disney movies from a young age that has blossomed into a forest of disdain as they evolved from saccharine and condescending children's films to emotional therapy for stunted millennials dragging their disinterested kids to watch their dad cry at a cartoon personification of an emotion wiggling it's eyebrows. I had often heard that a 'critical mode level 1' play through was a legendary action game on par with the greats, and had the full bad faith intention of saying this game sucked actually. Unfortunately my faculties are too objective and like the Casu Martz, just because something is conceptually and aesthetically revolting, doesn't mean it's not worth 100 dollars a pound.

Despite the usual "Collect these 4 things" plot repeating a couple of times, I really enjoyed playing it. It has one of the best overworld, tone, dungeons and bosses. I also love how Link and Zelda looks in this game, it's for sure one of their best designs. So far, this is definitely among the highest in the series for me.

This is one of the most masterfully crafted game design I've ever seen. It's shorter than the others, but it's as short as it needs to be. Definitely one of the more impressive game in the series.

What is the best PS4 game? Bloodborne? The Witcher 3? Persona 5? Red Dead Redemption 2? Rocket League? 13 Sentinels? Resident Evil 2? Devil May Cry 5? God of War? Uncharted 4? Nope it’s none of these, it is Nier: Automata, and it isn’t even that hard of a choice. Nier: Automata achieves what many games should be trying to achieve – A perfect marriage of gameplay, visuals, story and sound.

You should go into this knowing as little as possible so I’ll keep things brief. The story is one of the best ever. It is phenomenal and so effective. It’s the type of story that can only be done properly in video games. The soundtrack is beautiful and one of the best ever. The game doesn’t have the biggest budget visuals but the art direction more than makes up for it. The game play is great. It is an action RPG inspired by hack n slash games with lite shump sections and regular perspective shifts. It’s made by Platinum Games, the developers of Bayonetta, Vanquish and Astral Chain.

So why am I not giving this a high 9? Unfortunately due to the way the game plays and how the story is told there is too much repetition. You fight the same enemies and see the same locations often. Then on top of this the side quests can be bland and add to the repetition. But of course all of this is really nothing compared to how good this game is.

Are video games art? Yes, Nier: Automata proves this. Are video games on the same level as great literature and films? Yes, Nier: Automata proves this. If Roger Ebert was still with us Nier: Automata could have changed his mind on video games. Nier: Automata has the power to change you or at the very least be thought provoking and moving. Yoko Taro, the games writer and director, is a genius.

Yeah I know this review sounds hyperbolic but Nier: Automata deserves it and if this little review convinces one person to play Nier: Automata then it has been more than worth it. If you love this medium then you need to play this.


13 Sentinels is one of my favorite pieces of science fiction ever, across any medium.

Go into this as blind as you can. This one of those games you want to experience with very little knowledge of it before hand, so I don't want to say too much.

The story is one of the best in gaming history. The characters are excellent and all shine brightly despite the large cast. It's looks and sounds absolutely beautiful. If you've ever played a Vanillaware game you'll know what to expect.

Unfortunately I can't praise the gameplay as highly. The gameplay isn't bad, it's just not as compelling as the narrative, art, characters, etc. It's fun but not interesting enough and lacks challenge.

I highly recommend 13 Sentinels and it's one of those games that everyone who loves this medium should at least try. It definitely deserves more love and attention than it has currently received.
