I am VERY TEMPTED to give this to 4.5 because the solo Fatalis fight was one of the most intense things ever along with the Raging Brachydios final phase. It basically redeems most of World's issues BUT:
-Clutch claw is terrible
-The endgame grind is absolutely terrible and the whole TUs are badly managed
-I don't want to see that deco system ever again in my life
-I just don't get this game's AI thank god they went back to the older one for Rise
-Tempered monsters still suck

THAT BEING SAID: this expansion is awesome, there are a lot of fun fights and way better treatment of subspecies who instead of just doing the gimmick but MORE (did someone say black diablos?) they have a whole identity of their own and the fight are pretty different from the og ones (blackveil vaal hazak is one of the worst things ever). I'm really not fond of base world but I highly suggest you getting your hands on the expansion, it is WAY better

A lot of people seem to give this game relatively low scores for motivations I don't quite understand: yeah bosses are spongy, it's very heavy into backtracking (why are you playing Metroid and Metroidvanias then?), but what I really don't get it's how making "Super Metroid but 3D" should be a "no no" for this game.
Let's start by stating that this game isn't "3D Super Metroid" since it lacks the sequence breaking component that elevates that game, I think you're really underestimating what reaching those levels of level design and world building actually mean: interconnections, maps getting bigger the stronger you get, getting rewarded by making more connections from various parts of the world and sections that could only be navigated by platform puzzles have small magnetic railroads that make that spider ball upgrade way more meaningful than it should.
The scanner and the visors are so well implemented into gameplay mechanics and all of this without even mentioning the INSANE amount of details, this is something you see talking about in games like Metal Gear Solid 2: the rain drops into your cannon, if you look up the drops get onto your helmet, the X-ray shows your fingers changing positions based on what beam you're using (hence the "hands icon" on the lower right side) but the game never really dwells on it.

And most importantly, this game is actually very unique: it's not just a "transition", you have to think about how puzzles work, how gimmicks work, and they make it up with studying the power ups Samus gets and making everything revolving around the newer stuff and how it combines with older upgrades in order to make them not only harder, but more stimulating and rewarding as well.

I pretty much enjoyed and loved all of the Metroid games I've played, but this one I think is very special to me.

Do you even like videogames in the first place if you’re hating on this one

Bluepoint and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in remakes of past glories, but they have destabilized society, have made videogames unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to fake remakes, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater "remakes" and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

Remakes, Remasters, "Reimagining", "Reforge", you can't name one right for them being the same thing and completely different stuff at the same time, see the case of Resident Evil 2 or Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. In RE2 the game is remade by scratch, mantaining its core and nature yet being a completely overhauled experience, making it more immersive for newcomers; the Crash N. Sane Trilogy has not the source code in order to "remaster" it, yet you want to name it "Remaster+". Demon's Souls has the same source code, it just gets a new graphics coat with some slight QoL (bugs are still there, some fixed and some new ones presented), yet you want to call it "Remake". These are just marketing terms that don't make sense in the first place because the whole thing changes between single istances, people are coming out with new terms to explain what the hell the project is and fail to get a coherent category.

By the way this fucks up the whole vibe from the PS3 game so it sucks but it surely is very pretty to look at and has a very satisfying and crisp audio design

I don't want to write a wall of text so let's shrink it up: it's a very good game for newcomers and is incredibly well done, but at its core you'll find a very poor MH with some of the worst endgame you'll ever experience, because most of the cast feels uninteresting to fight and some maps are straight up terrible to navigate. Also, endgame loop just focuses on few monsters, making most of the cast completely useless; if you plan to play this, PLEASE get Iceborne as well


Being an absolutely brave and innovative idea implies that you, as a developer, before it is even possible to explore the foundation of a genre, you have to get a foundation in the first place; and by that standards, this game works perfectly, since everything is so raw and so many mechanics are presented both exploration and action are at the same level. The problem is this is no Super Metroid, no Doom, no Super Mario, this is not thank kind of foundation that works as a standard as well for the genre, making it something they would get as a reference point to make something better out of, which is why this is considered the worst in the series as well as the worst entry point. Yet I still have a lot of respect and appreciation for what they made.

i'm in absolute malding they literally massacred this game's neutral in every single possible way

i absolutely despise this garbage with all my heart

literally the best racing game of all time there's no existing way to change my mind about it

you want to get a fundamentals only experience? play footsies.

spent 700+ hours on this. my advice for this game: go for GT3,GT2,Formula X and maybe GT1, the rest of the cars just drive like boats but the racing ones oh god do they feel amazing; also avoid rally races they're absolutely terrible and for the love of god don't buy this for the single player only

Memories broken
The truth goes unspoken
I’ve even forgotten my name

I don’t know the season
Or what is the reason
I’m standing here holding my blade

A desolate place
Without any trace
It’s only the cold wind I feel

It’s me that I spite
As I stand up and fight
The only thing I know for real

There will be blood-shed
The man in the mirror nods his head

The only one left
Will ride upon the dragon’s back

Because the mountains don’t give back what they take
Oh no
There will be blood-shed
It’s the only thing I’ve ever known

Losing my identity
Wondering have I gone insane
To find the truth in front of me
I must climb this mountain range
Looking downward from this deadly height
And never realizing why I fight


can't say a thing except it was a bit too easy, that being said it's absolutely phenomenal especially the third stage