finished as a sorcerer for the first time ever. it really does just trivialize bosses. i miss multiplayer :(

seems like it could be a lot of fun to get into, but its a bit too stressful for me

the early metroid fights are very annoying as their hitboxes feel tiny and they dont seem to have any pattern, but otherwise this is awesome

played with my girlfriend. she got so scared and mad at me

cool visuals, but a little boring. everything takes a bit too long. love the sound design though

still need to go through 2nd run with leon, but holy fuck this is a good game

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some good, some alright, some are pretty bad. here's my thoughts on all (in the order I played them):

- The Pay Is Nice: it's fine. nothing special
- Don't Go Out: not a fan of this one at all. it doesn't tell you what you're supposed to be doing and it seems the only way to win is to go inside the house and walk back and forth around the skeleton. didn't even use the cards once i figured that out.
- Carthanc: this one looks cool, but god this game is super frustrating. high speed first person platforming while being chased by a bunch of weird ghost things. it was intense at first but i got really annoyed with it.
- Hand of Doom: LOVE the idea behind this one, and the aesthetic. the actual game is pretty simple, but this one's concept could be fleshed out into a really cool game.
- Shatter: love the way this one looks, reminded me of kittyhorrorshow's stuff. the writing isnt bad either! only problem was i felt like the stamina meter should've only existed during the chase sequence, it was annoying to have to move slowly all the time otherwise.
- Summer Night: probably my favorite in the collection (not surprising as it comes from the dev of FAITH). like playing through an actual video game creepypasta.
- The Pony Factory: the other best one (again, not surprising as this one is from David Szymanski). actually a really fun little fps that manages to be both fast paced AND scary.
- Outsiders: a pretty cool little randomized keyhunt that gradually gives you more hints each time you die. i was annoyed by how many times i had to try but slowly figuring out what to do was pretty cool. the ending is worth it.
- Rotgut: sorry, this one sucks. worst one in the whole collection. i walked down an empty tunnel for nearly 20 minutes and nothing happened. apparently its about the journey and not the destination. i think you should make something happen on that journey then. not to mention this is a buggy mess that sometimes doesn't stay crossed off on the main menu.
- Mr. Bucket Told Me To: not terrible, but pretty annoying to play. was surprising to find out that one of the writers from Hypnospace Outlaw (a game i absolutely adore) worked on this.

all in all, really like this little anthology idea and will be keeping up with it as best i can! i already downloaded 2

hard to rate because the story, soundtrack, and overall themes are insanely good. but yeah the gameplay is very bad. played with abi next to me <3

the actual fully new endings are really good, but i was a bit disappointed by the fact that all the other new endings are just a case of replaying the old ones while holding a bucket. the bucket thing gets old pretty fast, though i suppose thats the point. i could listen to kevan brighting all day though

finished, along with the foundation dlc. will probably come back for the alan wake expansion after i finally play alan wake

this is absolutely one of, if not the, best game ive ever played. after getting through everything (including dlc), gehrman's theme (and just his fight in general) almost made me cry

good game to play with my friend abi :) im going to kill myself because of level 5-5 however

not gonna rate this bc it seems like something i could get into sometime in the future, but where i am in life right now its bored me to tears