Gaming is dead, and gamers killed it
They won't stop until all your favorites games are butchered for these "modern audiences" formed by people who can't stand a game that doesn't lend you by the hand
The worst part is that this will still sell well because gamers love "le new and shiny thing"

Kino, dude coditectura vidyaludo
And fuck you if you don't like it

Disgusting porn game that mocks european culture and spawned one of the most horrendous franchises ever made


Whoever came up with this game is an asshole

>Shitty story
>Shitty characters
>Shitty villain
>Shitty dungeons
>Cryptic ass way to get the ending for some reason and in the rest of the game you never do something similar
>Half the content being a carbon copy of the previous game with bad qol changes
>Cards shuffles are broken as shit (You can get an izanagi with 99 stats in everything easily)
>Unlike previous game, no punishment for farming
>Everyone knew this game is ass before and made fun of its fans
>Suddenly, when it came to PC everyone started to lick this game ass
I fucking hate pc gamers

Go play a real game instead of glorified cutscenes

Wazzup mah niggah mark is pretty cool niggah mah homi

Soy pepa la cerdita oink este cerdito es mi hermanito george oink oink ella es mamá cerdita oink y el es papá cerdito ooooink

The changes made for this version breaks the game making it too easy even compared to the original version (Which was an already easy game)

It had potential, however the levels are super boring and you can finish them pretty quickly

The worlds are a lot more boring than the previous game and they don't have as many details, however the gameplay is god tier
I could explain why but it would take me forever