Probably the closest to a follow up to Rayman Legends you can ask for. Just level after level of good platforming, cool ideas, and a pleasant art style. The best 2D Mario.

I like this game a lot, the one big gripe I have is that backtracking through the world is confusing and you have to do it a lot in the third act. That said, combat is engaging, music is great (especially for a GBA) and it’s quite funny.

It’s alright, combat and writing is pretty great, pacing is a bit off and the game feels a bit bloated.

Great writing, great combat, great music, pitch perfect pacing even if it’s on the shorter side. Extra content definitely worth doing.

This is a review of World Tour, since I use this platform for logging games I've "finished". The other modes of this game are great and I'm still playing them a lot.

World Tour is a decent enough time. The story is nothing of note. Stuff happens to shuffle you around the world, so you can see all of the characters, and then just kind of unceremoniously ends after it takes a weird and bland turn a couple hours before wrapping up. The quests are pretty bog standard fetch quests, which I feel like could have been a bit more interesting, but whatever. My biggest gripe is that they make you switch between day and night constantly, and doing so requires you to physically go to a safe house in one of the two main areas every time. So if you're in a spot, and need to be at that same spot but at night, you have to fast travel to the safehouse area, walk to it, switch to night, and fast travel back to the other location. No real reason for this, it's just annoying.

THAT BEING SAID, this mode makes up for all of that for two reasons:

1) Mixing and matching moves from every fighter is really fun. You can make a Frankensteinian monster who can zip across the screen at max speed to deliver a screw pile driver. It's great.

2) Uppercutting every NPC walking around and beating them to a pulp never gets old, like not even remotely. It's just as fun after nearly 40 hours. What a great mechanic.

About what I expected from this mode. Didn't blow me away, still a decent amount of fun, but nothing extraordinary.

Was really impressed just how they built off of BotW for this one. Mechanics wise it feels a lot more refined, and the scope of the world is threefold what it was before. What really impressed me, though, was how strong basically every aspect of narrative in this game was.

The story takes turns I was not expecting but was excited to see, and the general presentation of it feels more ingrained than BotW's loose story. There are more cinematic moments, interactive setpieces -- it feels like a more confident BotW. Not to mention this game has a lot of reverence for the best side quest in BotW, which I'm a big fan of.

The game I wanted to experience again as if it were fresh was BotW, and they managed to pull it off in spades. Nice work.

Replayed this with the Seamless Co-op mod with some friends, which is fantastic. Really goes to show that this could be a great co-op experience out of the box if From was willing to tweak their multiplayer mechanics.

Pretty solid. I think this is more disjointed than the first one. Feels like each concept it plays with is given less time overall, and the lack of a proper hub world really detracts from Galaxy 1's distinctive tone. Still some real great platforming overall though. Plays well on Steam Deck with proper input mapping.

One of the best platformers in the last decade. Feels great, fast and overwhelming but leaving you totally in control. Every level has its unique gimmick, and they are all great. Phenomenal soundtrack. Has the best cameo of the year. Maybe the best final sequence of any platformer. Good stuff.

Hell of a game. Weirdly great soundtrack with deep cuts I haven't heard in a decade, amazing combat, gorgeous visual style and surprisingly funny writing. Came out of nowhere and smashed every expectation I had.

Pretty solid, a little too much open world fluff for the combat. Drags on a bit too long but the story is great.