Both Capcom and SNK hit their peak the same year with their most important fighting franchises. Kind of crazy to think all the right creative juices were flowing at the same time.

The last good Final Fantasy game released by Square. I need to get that Zodiac job edition one of these days.

Believe it or not this might be Treasure's most difficult shooter, also probably their last game I think...

Beating up enemies with an electric guitar made out of bats is a high point in my life I keep chasing.

Extremely lazy sequel, boring beyond belief...

Fun if at times too erratic in both the encounters and the story. The rings system is something other rpgs should copy.

Let's go away my dudes, with the best racing game ever made...

Release this for Steam already damn it! The PSP port was a broken mess.

Finished this with the Konami code.

The world tour mode is probably one of the most fun modes I have played in a fighting game. It actually encourages you to git gud and replay the game.

Chocolate waifu supremacy equals endless white boy summer.

Fake paintings are a very serious business...