God I wish Jetpacks were real

I must say this was really good with some fun gameplay mechanics, surprisingly good controls, and a bopping soundtrack.

My only gripe being that sometimes there were some frustrating difficulty spikes but I last played this a year and a half ago and I used to really suck at video games, so I might do better next time I play

I think this may have been one of the first games I ever owned, it uhh... it's something alright

I think the dynamax mechanic looks cool the world is fun to explore but yeah it can be pathetically easy sometimes

is a ton of fun though with some really satisfying combat though I haven't played that many hack and slashers so I may be missing out for the moment

I just remember having way too many dogs in creative mode

This was my introduction to the smash bros style of fighting game...

oh boy this didn't hold up as well as I remember

I feel this pales in comparison to the previous game mainly in the controls and combat as it really lacks impact and is way too floatly

I suppose it's fine if you're bored and have nothing to do

It is fun, though compared to the later Mario games dripping with atmosphere, it is a little weak

this is how serial killers are made

Maximum Z U U U U C C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I loved it as of writing this I haven't played the original but I think this was incredible

a massive improvement over the original and goddamn is it addicting

I love this game!!

A Lot of people say "oh the Batmobile takes up 60% of the game" First off I still find the Batmobile fun to use and second that is simply not true. The Boy Aqua (I would check his video out) said he recorded his whole 100% playthrough of this game only using it when necessary and it only took up 19% of the game.

Even then, the stealth and the combat are practically flawless, and I still thought it was a damn good story