My Top 20 Games So Far

What the title says, a list for my friends to check out and compare.
20 of my favorite games.

The story is both moving and ridiculous. Just as real life can often be.
An rpg told in chapters? That was a revelation to me. Plus, not playing as the actual hero until the final chapter? Bold decision that worked for me.
A game where halfway through…the bad guy wins. That blew my mind. I didn’t think anyone would have the balls to try it.
Guess what? Square has balls to spare.
This game not only fulfilled a desire of mine, it put the last attempt to shame. The desire? A side scrolling action RPG. The prior attempt? Ys III.
Just an absolute banger of a game and soundtrack.
It showed me that even an underpowered system can sometimes produce amazing graphics.
Me if my absolute favorite platformers, given a fresh new shiny coat of paint.
Like Sonic 3 & Knuckles, this one showed me that even failing gane systems can have some hidden gems.
I’ve applied this concept to other things lol
I adore every version of this game. I’ve even had each version. Didn’t have DX long, as my mom’s dog ate the cartridge lol
Such a well realized world was crafted in this game. By a studio I generally consider lacking in that department.
Absolutely great game that uses newspaper archives to give you actual real world cases to solve during the course of the game. That’s dedication to a bit.
Wonderfully silly game that proved a fun rpg doesn’t have to be completely serious, or even mostly serious.
Man, this game was FUN.
As a huge fan of Dragon Warrior/Quest type monsters, this was immediately appealing to me. Wolflords rise up!
Yuzo Koshiro.
That is all.
A western themed rpg with some Nye resting twists to gameplay? How could I ever resist?
I am a sucker for time travel stories, and this game delivers.
It also got me into jazz.
A very odd shmup, but also incredibly fun. Also with a good soundtrack
I said Chronotrigger got me into jazz.
Well, it wasn’t without help from this amazing shmup. I got this with my SNES. Both it and the system were bday presents from my sister, Liz.
To this day, Super R-Type is the standard by which I measure all other shmups by.
Oh man. Hit me with a combo up in here.
An actual Macross shmup that is fun and has some incredible music?
Mike Tyson couldn’t hit me better.
Not my first point n click, but one of my favorites. Irreverent humor, tongue in cheek dialog, wtf items to pick up and use.
It’s all good stuff mixed with a pretty good pirate themed soundtrack
The reboot I never expected but absolutely love. Heck. More than I did the other OG. And that’s saying something.
This game is pretty much amazing.


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