Feels so incredibly gross to play, domestic abuse simulator, genuinely vile

Gameplay is fire but man oh man I did not touch a single thing outside the campaign, the writing is just so uninteresting to painful. I wish that you couldn't accidentally go to the next mission if you don't ace the level first try, ends up in an awkward situation where I have to quit out then go back and replay that mission one more time to ace it then quit out again to continue the storyline.


Doesn't really gain anything from being a roguelike, would be much more fun if it was just a bunch of levels in a row.

The main flaw is that the talents should be shifted around a little to promote doing different builds at different points of gameplay. It feels like the most efficient way to play the game is the same all the way through.

Feels like a browser game, A factory building game in which automation is strictly impossible for periods of time longer than a couple minutes.
The interactions between game mechanics are not explained, the exponential increases in unit costs compared to the linear increases in output do not lead to an enjoyable loop, it jsut ends up being too punishing to rebuild an entire setup once a new building is unocked due to many in game mechanics.

Its a whole bunch of minesweeper, the only weakness is that some of the variants are really unintuitive.
Delivers what it promises.

It is Vampire survivors but with all the changes to actually make it fun. All the characters are actually distinct, with different abilities and some unique skills. If you pick a certain weapon you are not pigeonholed into a certain item due to a restrictive weapon upgrade system, instead you can "collab" to combine two different maxed weapons to make its own other weapon.

The opening cutscene is terribly made for starters, gives you the worst possible first impression. Then the defensive tool you are given is really awkward and janky to use. And it has the DOOM (2016) problem of terribly laid out levels without the DOOM (2016) solution of a minimap that tells you where you need to go.

Its just not very fun, dodging bullets feels inconsistent because it is unclear exactly where your character's hitbox actually is.
Combat is just holding down the ranged attack button then doing a full melee combo once the boss stops attacking. No way to heal without using consumables or finding a bonfire is actually awful.

The gameplay isn't bad, everything surrounding it is. The Quality of Life is abysmal, now ay to speed up the slow animations, most items/new abilities not being explained to you, you can't see enemy attack ranges, you have to be able to memorise all the different modifiers you've given them and notice all the possibilities every move, The "Shield" mechanic doesn't take into account your shotgun killing targets, so you can just die when trying different moves out. It feels like complete ASS that enemies can kill you when they can't move yet.
Needs more QoL to make learning the game actually fun.


The game is fun when you are in combat, it gets repetitive fast though. Combat really needed another movement tool to make it fun.
The game is SO SHORT. I finished it in a little under 7 hours, and that is with me spending at least 30 minutes in several rooms due to struggling to find the exit.
When I think back on my time playing this game I won't think of the combat, I'll think of every time the way into the next room was a tiny vent on the ceiling I didn't notice before spending 30 minutes searching every inch of the room.
The "default" difficulty is FAR too easy, I was NOT playing well, even close to optimally yet I NEVER died to enemies, or even came close, the only deaths I had were to running off the edges of arenas when trying to kite enemies.

An excellent stealth game hidden under a shitty action game. To access the stealth part of the game properly you have to actively constantly play in a slower, more difficult way. You are not really punished for being caught or even just running and gunning, the combat is bad but your character is just such a powerhouse that you can fight off hordes of enemies.
If you have the self control to take the tough road and not use your overwhelming combat abilities and engage fully with the stealth there is a gem waiting for you.


What there is is really fun and great, however it is REALLY short, wish there could be a little more but for a dollar it was more than worth it.

The later levels devolve into just waiting

Don't really remember ever really loving it but it is well put together and all that jazz