The game has some really cool ideas, particularly with some of the story payoffs. But it REALLY suffers from being an indie game, it needed more runtime for the finale to really hit hard, as it is it feels underwhelming.
The decision to put the final cutscene in a QR code post credits is also genuinely mind boggling.
Some cutscenes/models felt unfinished, the combat got extremely repetitive. Needed a bigger dev team to truly live up to what it could have been

Genuine master piece, banger soundtrack, gameplay, story. Well technically not finished but what is there is great.

Fantastic on all fronts, visuals, sound, music, gameplay. I will never forget the first time I closed a door and the music changed to sound as though it was coming through the door.

The Hard mode is fantastically made, actually feels like a completely planned out and hand designed second campaign that pushes the game's mechanic's to their limits without resorting to placing tons of beefier monsters.

Really makes you feel like the grim reaper.

I think the story won't work nearly as well if you get the different endings in the wrong order, definitely feels as though there is one "correct" way to complete the game and if you stray from that the story beats probably won't work as well, however the game does a pretty good job of herding you to the correct choices so it worked well for me.
Fun ensemble cast in a death game can't go wrong!


The game feels like being given a chainsaw to cut a piece of paper, you are given so many different tools to fight the myriad of bosses but the game never gets difficult enough for it to be worth learning all of them. Struggles from the easiest and most effective way to beat the game being really boring while ignoring the depth of the combat system.

The boss' final attacks feel awful, it feels like the devs didn't want to make them actually challenging in case you die on them and have to restart the fight from the start. If there was a checkpoint before the final phase of each boss it would give more space to fully explore each boss' gimmick as deep as possible instead of it being a pathetic splash at the end of each fight.

Everything except the core gameplay is really good, and interesting. But the core game is so incredibly tedious and unfun it destroys everything surrounding.

The primary issue is that every level devolves into finding a gun then holding an angle like I'm playing Valorant instead of being fast paced action. I don't have the drive to find the most efficient way to beat each level, I will find the way I find easiest and quickest and in this case that is extremely boring and repetitive. The top down nature reduces level variety greatly.
The main "gotcha" of the game about violence and all that doesn't hit if I am having an awful time slogging through every level.
Enemies feel inconsistent with when they can see you, many times seeing you from offscreen and shooting while still offscreen, randomly turning around when you are standing still behind them to shoot you, guns not working if enemies are too close to you causing awkward moments in gameplay.

The ironbro mode was just thrown in with no thought, turns a fun chaotic shoot-em-up into a slow, methodical paranoia simulator. The amount of things that can cause chain reactions that end up killing you from offscreen without a possibility of reacting are too high for the game to link achievements to beating the game without dying.
If you don't go for 100% its actually pretty fun, just leave ironbro behind.

Only problem is there isn't more of it
By that I mean there is only one of each floor-boss so once you've mastered them it gets a bit boring doing it over and over.


Just a really fun arcade endless survival game. A lot fo the unlocks are really hard to get so I didn't have them all unlocked before I grew tired of the one level and one boss the game offered.

Cool artstyle, fun gameplay, interesting decisions with reasonable risk in-between levels.

Uninteresting gameplay dragging down a mostly good looking world. Didn't read the story though...

The puzzles are mostly uninteresting filler due to their limitations in trying to fit in a 3d world, in particular the sun temple and the treehouse. Both of these areas have FAR too many puzzles, the sun temple's gimmick is only interesting for the first puzzle in each room, every other puzzle is just repeating the solution 4-5 times.

Touhou but porn. Fun for a bit I guess.