A revolutionary game and a all time classic. The most popular day one releases for any console and taking the platforming genre into the 3D realm. This game has some of the most icon stages in all of gaming and its filled with so much charm and character. Still beloved to this day.

After the major shift of Zelda 2, this game brings back what was so beloved about the first Zelda game and more. Having a greater map, more dungeons and more mysteries to be solved. This game also brought in so many new icon staples for the series, most notable to me is the Master Sword.

The first ever 3D Zelda game is one of the most iconic in the series. The 3DS remake brought that you can play the original on the go with updated graphics and better controls.

One of the most iconic Zelda and N64 games. Zelda in the 3D space goes hand in hand. This game brought what Link to the Past had and upped it by so much more, making the story a great epic. However, the game does suffer to poorly aged controls and sometimes repetitive combat.

My favorite entry in the series and one that I think should be played by all. This remake brought new life into the classic 2002 game with its new updated graphics, while still keeping the charm of the original's style. Though not adding much in terms of content, the base game itself is perfect, an epic tale with amazing combat, items and iconic characters. And the sea travel is my favorite mode of transportation in the entire series, as the sea is full of mystery and perils, making this game truely feel alive.

Acting as the direct sequel to Wind Waker, this game keeps up its unique art style with the DS graphics. Game play is fun and makes great use of the DS platform, however this game doesn't serve much in content and having to continually go to the temple of the Ocean King gets repetitive and ruins the follow of the story.

This game is full of great characters, a great story and a unique gimmick to the series. The shrinking aspect of the game was done quiet well, integrating it into dungeons and mysteries across the map. However I don't believe this game earns the title of icon such as other entries into the series, further more the story is unique however quiet bogged down at times and the map I believe is not expansive enough for a Zelda game in this era.

As the second DS Zelda Entry, this game parts itself very differently from Hourglass. Having to unique mechanics to the series, Zelda assisting you in combat and puzzles for a majority of the game, as well as the train mechanic for travel. Both are done well and are a breath of fresh air, however the train travelling does get repetitive and the story and combat are lack luster.

A great example of a super hero video game done right. The swinging in this game is amazing, the detailed map of New York City, and great Combat and Stealth truly makes this game a true epic. Wrapped up in a story that built for Spiderman, however the MJ and Miles missions bring the game to a halt with slow and uninspired stealth missions.

The new game of Miles Morales is very fun. Miles plays very different from Peter, as his combat is more based off of his venom powers then his gadgets. I believe that this made the combat better than in the first game. Miles unique swinging animations are great to watch while swinging across the city. This game doesn't have much in length, but I believe it told a good story in the time that it had. However I believe this game lacked in side content and had no icon missions like the first game. But with the inclusion of the new PS5 version of the first game, I believe this is worth it.

A staple of video gaming, an iconic masterpiece that can be enjoyed alone or with friends at any point.

I love the fast speed intensity of this game, its what made this game different from all other platformers at the time. However this speed can only be felt in Greenhill zone, as all the others don't allow that fast pace movement due to their level design. The game is short only with six zones, but this game was the start to a franchise with plenty of games I hold dear.

A perfect sequel to the first game, and what I believe the best sequel to any game. Taking the elements of the first game and building of them with new and icon zones built around the game's speed. Along with new mechanics to the franchise such as tails, the spindash and supersonic.

Another fantastic entry into the series, as the two games combined into one is the peak of sonic's original genesis run. Introducing new franchise staples, like Knuckles and the master emerald, multiple playable characters with their own unique abilities and knuckles having his own story line compared to sonic and tails truly makes this one of sonic's best.

Acting technically as Sonic 3 for the franchise, this game brought some new and unique mechanics to the franchise, most notable is the time travel mechanic which utilized sonic's speed. However it gets tedious to find the perfect stretch of level to preform time travel, and the level design of the zones are a downgrade from sonic 2. The most notable thing this game did was introduce Amy and Metal sonic