I great game to celebrate the 20th year of sonic. Bringing back old zones to play as Modern and classic gameplay is an amazing idea. Every Zone spanning the series is iconic enough to celebrate and each modern and classic act of each zone is different from one another. Plenty of side content and the skill ability is a neat idea, however I think the game should have had a few more regular zone levels and more bosses.

This version of Generations brings its take compared to the console version. Having different levels and gameplay style for modern sonic. However this game is far to linear compared to the console version and the gameplay is only in 2D.

A good 2D sonic platformer and the second game in the series to introduce the boost mechanic. The level design is good, the sailing portions are fun and plenty of content. However I think the game lacks good boss fights and the story is just bare bones, but still fun to play.

One of the best sonic games in the modern era. Great 2D platforming segments and high speed 3D parts. What really impressed me was the use of the new wisps. The variety of wisps and how they were used in levels really made the game feel fresh compared to other sonic games.

As a port, this was a major disappointment. No major graphical upgrades, a buggy launch and little new content. However it is an effective means to enjoy the original game on new gen consoles and pc.

A great and fun new entry into the series after 5 years without any games. With a more open world still approach, the game has expansive islands, along with the best combat system in the franchise and the best boss fights in the series as Super Sonic. However the islands you travel feel barren and too similar. The cyberspaces also feel too similar to each other, not having much difference in level design and objective.

A fresh new 2D mario, full of character. The design of the game is beautiful with its new and unique art style, level designs and music. The badge system was fun addition to the gameplay, along the the challenge stages. However the game was a bit short and Bowser Jr. shouldn't have been every world boss fight, although I did like the different elements in each fight.

Great reintroduction into 2D mario, however a little basic. Not adding too much new stuff, but adding 3D Mario's move set was really great. Level design was alright and I think this game had some the the most unique boss fights.

the Newest HD at home console mario was pretty good. But it is essentially a port of the DS title. It did add multiplayer and new power ups, but not much else

Loved this game as a kid, one of the first games I 100 percent completed, but looking back, this game is just another 2D mario in the era of many 2D platformers. The coin mechanic is interesting but never used effectively.

I don't get the hate for this game, this game has been man hunted for what it is, but to me this game was one thing, fun. I enjoyed playing missions and fighting bosses, however I believe this game must be played with friends to be fully enjoyed. But during play sessions, it was common to run into bugs and issues with the game.

This game took what the 2018 game had, with so much more. A grand story, amazing characters, expansion of gameplay and so much more. I'm confident in saying this game is better than GOW 2018, the only thing holding it back is the slight lack of side content.

A great fresh new start to the series, whole new setting, characters and gameplay. With a story that is oscar worthy. However this game lacks side content and does not have much replay value.

The first portable 3d mario game, and it is quiet good. However, compared to other 3D mario games, this doesn't have that much identity. This game is essentially the elements from the New Super series in a 3D platformer. But the game still has great controls and level design.

This game brought what 3D land had and so much more. Better level design controls, and some of the most unique power ups in the series, such as the cat bell. The multiplayer in this is the best in the series and I say its the best to enjoy the game.