Definitely enjoyed my time with it but also it gets really really repetitive, especially if you do side content. The characters also feel half baked for the most part, and most story moments are kind of awkwardly directed and lack impact in my opinion. Renegade/paragon choices also felt a bit one note.

In light of all that though, this game got me really excited for the remaining games in the trilogy, and had enough interesting concepts to make it definitely worth playing.

It is unreal just how good the vibes in this game are. The world of FF8 and its characters just feel so fucking lively to me, and the humour and banter is just top notch. Laguna is probably my favourite FF character ever? Also despite the weaker plot consistency there's actually a surprising amount of depth, particularly in the emotional state of many characters. Bold of Kitase and co. to leave literally all of the development of their main villain up to subtext and player interpretation lmao.

Maybe thats why I love this game despite its flaws. Its pretty messy, not that well put together yeahhhh. But also like, it's messy enough that I feel liberated when playing and thinking about it. I as a player can fill in some blanks and stretch some emotional reasoning to cover up some inconsistencies and somehow it feels rewarding? Clearly not an intentional approach, but idk I just love the non-linear communication of the story and themes, its so non-rational/structured and I fucking love it for that.

Also best FF ost :)

I actually really don't like the latter half of this story ;__; immmmmmaculate vibes on this game tho

one of the most comically bad stories i've ever experienced and still a 4 and 1/2 rating should show just how much I love the gameplay lol

I actually love this game and think about it a lot. Childhood classic for me and even if it wasn't I love it on concept alone.

With that being said it's actually not really the best to play. The gameplay is fine enough but really the post game (which is the majority of the game) WILL tire ur ass out on the fairly repetitive gameplay. Some of the post-game stories and especially the final story are incredible to play though, and probably worth all the grind, but actually making it through that grind is easier said than done.

Playing this straight after XC2 was the most insane whiplash but in the best possible way.

The best way I can describe Torna is that it's smooth. The combat has a perfect dynamic flow, the characters are effortlessly developed and integrated and the story floats along at the right speed to be both leisurely and exciting.

The absolute highest praise I can give Torna is that it somehow doesn't even feel similar to XC2 in any meaningful way structurally. Comparing the two games is kind of lame because ultimately they are complementary material, but fr I realllllllllllllly wish 2 was as cleannn as torna is.

It also helped that Jin and Malos were my favourite characters in 2, and this game provides crazy amounts of subtle enough development for them both.

Honestly in light of all this praise, I'm still not sure if it's worth dealing with 2 just for Torna. But ig if you want full context for 3 and are forcing yourself to play 2 then you also owe it to yourself to play Torna because this game is immaculate

played this game when I was like 10 and only remember the good shit

Master Zik needs to give me that master zucc

This review contains spoilers

Took me over a year of on and off playing to finally beat this fucker. I truly cannot stand this game but also I appreciate it. It is the weirdest game because I truly felt no emotional attachment or connection with the game until like the final hour. That final stretch is where all the actually cool concepts of the game are allowed a bit more room to breath and have actual meaningful implications. However I think these interesting concepts still just come out half baked.

90% of the reasoning for this is Rex. I don't dislike Rex, I don't mind the voice direction too much (it becomes funny once you give in to it), and his optimism and kindness is actually sometimes maybe kind of endearing. But mannnn I feel like he is not at all given enough development for the kind of significance he is given as the PRIMARY MORAL AGENT of the story. To elaborate, Rex's ultimate victories by the end of the game over Pyra/Mythra, Jin, Malos and the Architect are primarily philosophical, he shows EVERYONE a new way to live. I SIMPLY DO NOT BUY THIS AS THE PLAYER LOL. All the aforementioned characters have lived for hundreds (and in some cases thousands) of years. For Pyra/Mythra and Malos I can appreciate that its about meeting the right person and the right time, and the intensity of Rex's optimism compensates for the relatively short blip he represents on their lifetime, sure. However, Rex's ideals are not developed in the slightest, nor is Rex really himself. Why is Rex such a great person? Because he just is (and his home village was sweet). Why does he have such an immense faith in humanity? Because he meets nice people and just sort of does. To clarify, these are not issues in isolation. I actually quite love how Rex's base optimism inspires Pyra/Mythra to reconsider their views on their self worth. However when the endgame (which is the only part of the story that truly engaged me to think) revolves around Rex's (NOT THE PARTIES) answer to the grand question of the future of mankind I truly just to not buy it. His thoughts and ideology aren't honed through opposition and introspective reconsideration, they just always exist, and he faces no marked, longing crisis that could warrant some reflection and development of these thoughts. This especially feels notable to me when Rex has philosophical exchanges with the antagonists. I really never feel like Rex actually wins any of these verbal bouts, pretty much every time the villains just sort of fold like lawn chairs to the general sentiment of Rex's consistent abrasive optimism. Which again is fine? But I wish the game would maybe steer away from Rex's fucking views on the worthiness of mankind and instead just keep in inline as someone who believes in the redemption of the villains or something.

I emphasise the focus on Rex's views here because the parties are essentially irrelevant, the game doesnt really care what Morag, Zeke, Nia and Tora think by the end, its Rex's answer that matters and quite frankly I find that answer completely lacking. Also I think the party dynamic was weak. The optional blades are also horribly implemented (you only get to experience the beginning of their stories after spending like 2 hours with them at minimum????), but 80% of their designs blow ass so you never even want to consider using them.

Also the scene direction and pacing in this game is fucking atrocious. Most scenes have like no clear directorial intent except to seemingly drag the scene on for as long as possible and to make dialogue feel awkward. I cannot believe that some of the endgame cutscene sequences actually made the final cut it is unreal how sloppy some of them are. When you realise just how much time you waste in this game just through sloppy cutscene direction alone you will STRUGGLE to beat this motherfucker, not even to mention all the terrible filler(ish) plotlines that made the cut (I want tora to be left crucified in the depths of the Mariana trench). What's even more horrible is that some scenes are actually directed amazingly, and have the peak story moments to accompany them, which somehow just makes it more annoying overall? If you're gonna be shit at least let me whip my phone out whenever I see a cutscene starting ffs (only half joking here.)

Also it is truly comical how bad the tutorials in this game are. This it's actually a miracle of technology this could be invented.

Still the fact that the endgame even warranted me to think about these things (and actually emotionally compelled me with Amalthus/Jin/Malos) is worth credit in my eyes regardless.

Also I hated the combat and world design. Field skills can eat my ass, sidequests are unbelievably roadblock filled and convoluted, and enemy placement was designed by expert CIA torturers gone game devs.

I gave it 2.5 stars and im clueless as to why but I think the sheer abrasion of the game got to me eventually. Maybe its just Stockholm Syndrome.

the Quran for people who are attracted to anime men

It'd only be 3 stars if Yusuke and Akechi weren't in the game. Game has a good story at the start, but then the quality of the story decreases and the whole thing unwinds. It has a great fervor to it, the youthful rebellion against crime of older generations is hypeeeee. But then like, the villains all become repetitive and lack nuance, the Persona tendency of homophobia and general shitty writing of women undercuts the thematic push for change, and a general lack of care for worldbuilding consistency gradually sink the game's story into a fucking wet sock of an experience.

But the social sim elements are endearing enough to keep it afloat ultimately for me. And bro oh my god does it feel good to just press buttons in this game. In and out of combat it is just juicy and satisfying to press literally any button. Sure the combat system is pretty good in p5 but 99% of the reason why I don't mind encounters is because of how fucking satisfying it is to even do the most mundane of things like scrolling through your skill list. This game came out in 2016 and i reallllllly don't think i've played a game that has topped that ORGASMIC cohesion of button responsiveness and sound design

Enjoy this game a lot more upon retrospection than while I was actually playing it. So much sexy sexy raw ass content and thematic depth to delve into. Analysis of Cloud through a gendered lens (CLOUD TRANS??!?!?) has been particularly captivating for me, but also just the delicacy of life in the worldbuilding is so sick,,, You can really tell it was made by people who have thought intensively about loss, which makes its beauty in the lifestream so meaningful and its exploitation by Shinra so vile. So yes fire game, but its kinda annoying as fuck to play lmao

Played and beat with my girlfriend on co-op and fucking loved it. I was literally playing as waddle dee the entire time with no copy abilities and I was fucking GROOVING BRO this shit slaps