Just a damn good single player fps game, the jump from 3 to this is night and day making any thing else that came out around it feel sluggish.

Man this was a bad ass game, sucks it was basically stolen from its creators.

You add a entirely new set of confidant options with Akechi and I still can’t romance him? When will the blatant homophobia stop atlas? Think I give a fuck about some doctor and ribbon dancer with imposter syndrome?still a great game and I like the additional bosses added.

First off this game is fun, really fun, yes it doesn’t have even a 1/10th of the promised features and ideas when announced and yes it took like 3 years for it to become stable but as it is now on modern consoles damn it’s a good time. Dialogue trees are a little limited to that fallout 4 approach and whether your a street kid Corpo or biker really doesn’t change much. I do like the multiple options and angles you can approach a problem from that aren’t bluntly told to you. Great fake radio stations and honestly I think it’s a way better game then GTAV, but it’s sorry as state on launch does need to be taken into consideration.

I’d say this is the best feeling souls game out of the trilogy(and demon souls) I like the faster combat that parallels blood borne and more ethereal boss designs. The final boss music change hits you like a stack of bricks man and I’d say my favorite fight of this game was the prince lothric fight, I think it’s a way better version of smaough and ornstein sue me.

Only played it on and off with friends at their place but it was fun as hell when I tried it.

Honestly a better story and Peter Parker then the current mcu movies, great combat and I love hearing sasuke as Spider-Man as fuckine lame as that sounds. It takes the best parts of the arkham games and old Spider-Man games and combined them together.

🎤🎤🎤it’s the eye of the spider🎤🎤🎤

Fun missions and gameplay but doesn’t have the physics of 4 or the heart of San Andreas/vice city. Good game though just wish it’s online would die so we’d get 6 or any other deceased rockstar IP instead of dlcs.

I like when studios do something different and take a chance and what we got is a strong narrative and bad ass gameplay.

First metriodvania game I beat and man it’s a good time, seeing the inner connective world when I never even played dark souls before was mind blowing. Great sound effects and boss variety with a timelessness that’s rare.

Love the tone of this game and circuit car racing is fun as hell, currently my favorite yakuza game but I need to play more.

Going to retrieve Jack from the manor is one of my favorite missions in any game. How can the same studio that made this also shit out 20 GTA 5 dlc’s back is beyond my comprehension.

My first ever souls game and basically got me addicted to fromsofts catalogue, I appreciate how much the game doesn’t condescend you and expect you to be competent enough to figure it’s elements out without hand holding. Great boss fights and the build variety’s are fantastic, got two play through and might try to do a tarnished run one day. Some of the mini bosses are a little lack luster and I’m not a fan of the copy pasted tree sentinels but they are optional so that helps the repetition.


The bisexual energy of this game is hella potent. Great art and nice story just feels like the game became really easy once you manage a clear.