Absolutely awful in every way but an incredibly interesting footnote in video game history. One of the only official pc ports of a nintendo game.

The physics really ruin it, it barely moves when you're trying to run and the jumps last a fraction of a second. The game runs at about 15fps by default making it difficult to move properly. The emulator died about 20 minutes in so I called it then.

Try out the nes super mario bros mod for this game instead of the actual port. Apparently it actually has 8 worlds and from what i've seen its different but still competent levels.


Love the look, like the music, don't like most else. It's movement mechanics feel restricting in a way tony hawk didn't 20 years ago, you only have 3 tricks in big open void levels with grinding only specifically on rails. it's way to easy and stale to bust out a million point combo. Combine that with the repetitive combat you have to do occasionally and I'm done after 2ish hours trying to play.

At least it's better done gameplay than jet set radio but only just
Honestly just play tony hawk.

Wildly unique game that still functions as a game with goals and what not. The creators have a very strong grasp on the early internet and also christianity as a whole, which was an odd inclusion to see. Makes enough sense in a late 90s US setting though.


Its the 2000s at some point, i'm around 10. I go to the incredibly overpriced retro game shop that I always went in when my parents wanted to shop at the mall to stare at all the walls of way too expensive of old games. I still don't know how they stayed open that long as I never saw anyone in the store but me. We're talking like 2x prices of what they were going for on ebay at the time.

Anyway, I loved my copy of Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World, it was my favorite game on the snes I had, but didn't understand the concept of other mario games yet so when I saw this at the store for $5 I bought it immediately as the last game I had got there was pokemon blue for cheap. I only ever bought 3 games there.

Anyway, I buy it, I get it home, and its terrible. It was just a bunch of edutainment trivia stuff with WAY too many choices.

A waste of $5 and it has permanently scarred me for life.


Another classic mario platformer but with a fresh new art, we're finally past the "new." series of platformers. Its basically everything I wanted out of one, that being said the multiplayer still doesn't work well unless its only with one other person and you both are pretty good.


A fun mgsv/hitman type open world game with some solid choices. It is what I can only imagine the original pitch for MGS was, an elite solder sneaking into a base to do a job.

Fun combat that is interesting but starts to get repetitive
Big open maps
cute girlfriend characters with thick accents ;), and also the one other army guy too i guess
A wild amount of different mechanics
Interesting map concepts throughout

There's no real reason to not just shoot everyone unless your gun is too loud
The combat does start to get repetitive
The objectives are very similar overtime
if you get caught the gameplay is terrible, some form of being able to hide in a locker or something would be nice
The story isn't the greatest but works ok. The ending was satisifying.

8/10 solo, super fun 10/10 with co op

Absolutely fantastic and as good as it could possible be for this type of gameplay.

dumbly fun gameplay
interesting style
short but fantastic

the original soundtrack for the pc version is terrible but is easily changed, just drop in the ogg files in the music folder.
The game's engine tends to lag if on the more difficult to render parts, even on PC.


The peak of the series. Presentation is top notch, Incredibly dumb and incredibly fun with a giant amount of choices for locations and animals.

Little sad this is so difficult to get running on PC properly. Played with sinden lightgun


The best game no one has ever heard of. Absolute must. Beautiful art style, cute characters, kind of weird but funny jokes that aren't exactly for kids, beautiful music. The gameplay is an rts pikmin but with city building as you slowly conquer the world. Make sure to watch the intro movie. Don't want to talk too much about all it. Just play the game.

Currently replaying the gog version to see how that plays. No issues with bugs so far. Will update after playthrough is finished. Wii version works fine, Vita has bad anime art style replacement.
Update: GOG version breaks around the 3rd king. Nice to have all the ingame artwork though. Replayed on Wii U instead.
Too bad the company closed less than a year after the game was released.

My 2nd favorite game of all time after Super Mario World.

Incredibly detailed and finely tuned level design with barely slipups, see that accursed climb up wall outside the saferoom.
Optional difficulty, you can try to get all the people or not at all.
Some very fun reveals like when you first see the immates or really learn how to take advantage of the game
A very fun but stupid story with a ton of quoteable moments

Starts to get boring near the very very end of the game though, mainly since there's nothing new to do. By then though you're only 15 minutes from the ending.
Difficult if you don't know what you're doing but doesn't punish you very much for it


A fun "reverse adventure" game where you're telling the person doing the puzzles how to do them over the phone with fairly easy puzzles and if you're that worried about it you can save whenever.

I enjoyed it a whole lot mainly due to the interactions with the cast and the general idea of it. Would love to see a different take on the same idea/sequel in the future.

The story doesn't quite live up to what I was expecting, the ending just sort of happens suddenly and I had kind of pieced together what was going on earlier from a few small things you can find laying around that you can't bring up in dialogue. Really besides a few more puzzles, this game is missing a Fallout esque epilogue slideshow or something to that effect to see what happened to everyone afterwards.

Oh also big plus, no jump scares besides a very telegraphed one at the very beginning and a few small, cans knocked over, parts.


Its like Resident Evil 4 but they cleaned up the more rough parts a bit. The main thing beyond it just looking pretty and cleaning up the general level design just a bit is the story just got a lot more effort.

Luis is way bigger of a character, the infection bit has some more consequences, just more story in general, makes the game feel a bit less lonely through its fairly long runtime for a 3rd person shooter.

Also the pacing is a bit better spread, original game was very castle heavy, they did a good job pacing out the chapters. oh also the challenges for the shop keeper.

So... 90% original RE4 by volume but the 10% really makes the game feel better all around.


What if I got what I suggested LA Noire should have been in my review, No open world, just choices to go around a map of the city and a time mechanic to finish the case.
Oh also its a roguelite that's really into japanese horror and instead of searching a crime scene or shooting people you get adventure game choices.

I am so glad the individual stories aren't randomly generated, its just the framing around the 5 stories per run. That would have killed game for me.

I like the game a lot but this thing needs like 200 stories instead of 20. They start to repeat way too quickly.

Idol Girl building a posse of like 8 is an absolute steamroll tactic and I laugh every time at it.


These monkeys get really tiring trying to catch. Especially when they get so fast.

It feels great to just move, impressive for a game sold mainly as a way to show off a new controller.

It looks great with some really nice colors
The Monkeys are funny
Very forgiving death system
bizarre, interesting game concept for dual analog sticks

This game is the annoying kind of difficult where its not actually that difficult but there's going to be that one monkey where you have to do a platforming challenge perfectly fast enough to catch it, otherwise you'll have do it again, and again, and maybe a few more times.

The movement, while great, has a slightly wonky double jump. if you pass the halfway point of the jump even by a little and try to double jump it doesn't. On some jumps it expects you to wait out the 2nd jump to get more distance but not too long so it wouldn't trigger. This has led to several falls.

4/10, just play the sequels they're much better

Exactly what I was waiting a very long time for, a very default fantasy RPG in the olden sense with a great story. That being said I do enjoy how weird it gets in parts.

-1 point for "the absolute" state of it on pc. Hee hee hee hee. No but really it crashed like 30 times during my playthrough. I also saved constantly just incase something messed up, my save folder is 15gb, send help. Oh also forcing you to make someone... i don't want to ruin it... at the very end, was not cool and i spent 30 minutes learning how to install mods for this specific game just to go around that choice.

When I playthrough again in a few years I'll install that same mod again and also a remove the party limit mod so i don't have to choose the 3 characters i'm going to actually play the game with while everyone else sits in the camp for 70 hours and acts like I did so much with them at the end.
