After finally trying out this game after seeing a friend start it and kinda being in a mood for this type of game. Man I'm glad I picked it up. The game has fun combat and characters I enjoyed interacting with. Will probably be something I continue to pick up from time to time to do more side content and go for different endings. I'm still not really sure how I fully feel on the game, but ima leave it with a 4 and a half stars for now.

Just wanted to log that I played this this year. I don't have much to say other than I had some of my favorite multiplayer gaming moments this year on this game and its loop is just addicting overall when you have a good group to play with.

I really wanted to like this game more but man does it have some interesting mechanics. Inventory felt cramped across the whole game even with 2 characters and no item box certainly didn't help. Didn't really care for the replacement of throwing all my shit on the floor either. Also one of the AI practically being forced to take some damage in bossfights cause they gonna do jack shit for dodging. After all that though I will say its not the worst RE I've played. It still felt like a classic RE at the end of the day and that was one aspect I did enjoy about playing it.

Edit: I found out later that you can move the other character with the right stick. I definitely remember them bringing this up and just forgetting about it so we will call it a my bad. Still doesn't really raise my rating at all though.

Not a whole lot to say on this one for me. The DLC was alright and I did enjoy the difficulty of the indigo disk double battles. At the en did the day it was more pokemon for me to play.

Man I ended up really liking this game. The combats great, the full action focus was really good, and I don’t think there was a single boss I didn’t like fighting. The characters and story were also super solid. I really like the world as well. OST was also great. Probably in my top 3 games released this year for sure.

Finally got around to beating this game. While it didn't grip me was much as 0 or Kiwami 1, this game ended up being a joy to play through and still had fun combat and good story. Might try Kiwami 2 one day as I switched to this after not liking the combat at all but for now I'll say playing the original was the right call.

I recently beat a replay of this game and just really remembered how good this game really is. The third semester is some of the best content in the Megaten series and the rest of the game is still awesome too. The battles in this game are super satisfying with its quick yet effective menus. Only complain on combat is that it's just really easy, but that's it. The presentation of the battles and the whole game is just beautiful, and I'm glad it got me into the rest of the Shin Megami Tensei series.

A fairly solid 2d Mario game. It's nice to see something a little different besides the new super formula, but some things could have been a bit better like the bosses. The game probably could have used like 1 or 2 more powerups even if just returning ones. It definitely satisfied my 2d Mario itch though.

This was a really good Kirby game and an amazing 3D platformer in general. A really solid time overall.

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I love that this game went back to the events of Silent Hill 1, especially with how much I love the vibes of that game. This game does have a little bit of a slow start with it not giving as much of a clear incentive as the first 2 games in the series. I can forgive it for that for being a well written direct sequel to 1 and seeing the result of Harry escaping the nightmare with the protagonist of this game.

I'm glad I played this game, where the series all started. Looking back though it wasn't all that special. The atmosphere was cool as always along with the soundtrack being good. The game had some fun characters. The dungeons were mostly lackluster mazes that didn't do a whole for me however, and that is pretty much all the gameplay of this game as the battles are really easy. Bosses can be just be hit with bufu or zio spells and can't do a thing. Random encounters were mostly a pushover after the first area, and even the final bosses. Granted I had the best equipment, but i still should not be able to comfortably use auto in the games final battles and easily come out on top. To top it off all the endings were pretty boring too. I'm glad this game paved way for all the games we got, but it isn't that special looking back.

This probably one of the best horror games I have ever played in terms of the atmosphere, environments, and music. The game has some actual good scares that got me a couple times. The story was also really good and I enjoyed the survival horror even if it got a little easy towards the end where I finished with a huge surplus of ammo and never died once throughout the playthrough. Something I could probably rectify by playing on hard in a future replay.

Rating this as a DLC,. This was LEAGUES better than the original separate ways. Turned a quickly hobbled together campaign into something memorable and more unique with all the fun gameplay of re4r. Quite a steal for $10 I would say.

This game has like really amazing atmosphere with how it uses sounds and camera angles in some areas. Felt scary at times even for a ps1 game which is pretty cool. Only complaints are just regular old game stuff like some of the puzzles feeling a little too cryptic. One of the best classic survival horror games I have played.

This was a pretty solid title in the SMT series. Got the neutral ending but to do so had to lower the difficulty for the final boss cause that thing is tough. Hope to come back someday to at least beat the final boss on standard but I want to be done with this game for a bit.