Should have logged this a bit ago but this game was a really good Pokemon experience. I'll probably go back to get 10 star rank eventually but for now ill take capturing all Pokemon.

Remembered this existed when I was logging my original playthrough and decided to try it out. Holy shit this port is awesome. Qol changes, enhancements, cheats, built in randomizer, just tons of cool stuff. Fixed every problem I had with the original game and made it better.

Decided to do a replay of this game on original hardware to see how it still holds up. I can still say this and Majora's Mask still feel like the best n64 games no question. All my minor gripes with this game were things I felt were fixed in the 3DS version. Also realized how amazing the atmosphere of the final boss was. A super solid experience today even coming from an era of games that have not aged the best.

This game was a lot more fun than I expected after having some annoyances with original RE3. As a huge fan of RE2 Remake I found the some of the things in this game interesting like more actual changes in the B scenario making both playthroughs much more worth it. This game is still worth playing today even with the remake's existence.

This is definitely one of my new favorite SMT games. The story is pretty good and the gameplay is some of my favorite in the series. The games OST is also one of the best I have ever heard. Can't wait to start the 2nd game right away.

This feels like one of the weirdest games for me to review. As I am writing this I have completed the pokedex in this game. This game has some dogshit performance graphically and feels buggy and unfinished. It is also the most fun I have had with a pokemon game and one of my favorite games from this year that I played, which really makes rating like this difficult.

I replayed this game and decided I might as well give a quick review, this actually might be one of my more enjoyed pokemon games with awesome features like the eon flute for fast travel and also having an awesome extra story for the postgame.

I decided to replay this out of boredom cause I remembered playing it in middle school and enjoying it which made me realize that I have gotten better video game opinions and also Toby Fox really improved after this.

Using this to rate Shadows of Rose. The extra story wasn't to bad but nothing special either. The gameplay was pretty good but I admittedly had tutorials off until the final boss from when I would play re8, which could have messed with my experience a little bit.

This game was very solid for the most part and I can see how people wish we got more out of the remake for this game after playing the original. I do think the later Nemesis fights at clock tower and in the acid room however just aren't fun at all and the only time I was annoyed about tank controls in old RE.

The singleplayer campaign might be my favorite one so far, it used elements from both old splatoon hero modes and octo expansion. The level design was super fun as well and I really enjoyed my time with it. The multiplayer is also a fun as always, especially with the new changes and abilities.


Really fun movement shooter that I really enjoyed. Excited to try out Eternal because of it as I have heard even better things about that game.

They took the game that started it all and made it even better.

This was an amazing RPG with combat that I came to really like as I played through the game and a story that really stuck with me. Not much else to say just a really solid experience.

Edit: The only thing I remember this game for is its OST, I don't think I would fuck with the combat anymore.

When I started this game, I did not expect it to become one of my new favorite REs but that's what it did. The gameplay is really fun and the story was great, especially the ending. I definitely plan to play this game more to completion and I can't wait for the Winters' Expansion DLC.