This was an amazing RPG with combat that I came to really like as I played through the game and a story that really stuck with me. Not much else to say just a really solid experience.

Edit: The only thing I remember this game for is its OST, I don't think I would fuck with the combat anymore.

After finally trying out this game after seeing a friend start it and kinda being in a mood for this type of game. Man I'm glad I picked it up. The game has fun combat and characters I enjoyed interacting with. Will probably be something I continue to pick up from time to time to do more side content and go for different endings. I'm still not really sure how I fully feel on the game, but ima leave it with a 4 and a half stars for now.

This game was so raw until the boss fights made me throw up in my mouth and they gave the zombies guns. Co-op was fun though.

I wasn't quite sure what I thought about this game when I beat it other than I knew I liked it more than the first. After thinking on it I REALLY like this game. The gameplay, characters, soundtrack, and story are all better than the first. The atmosphere is great, and the games plot gives you a lot to think about. Amazing experience across the board.

Man I ended up really liking this game. The combats great, the full action focus was really good, and I don’t think there was a single boss I didn’t like fighting. The characters and story were also super solid. I really like the world as well. OST was also great. Probably in my top 3 games released this year for sure.

This game was a lot more fun than I expected after having some annoyances with original RE3. As a huge fan of RE2 Remake I found the some of the things in this game interesting like more actual changes in the B scenario making both playthroughs much more worth it. This game is still worth playing today even with the remake's existence.

Decided to do a replay of this game on original hardware to see how it still holds up. I can still say this and Majora's Mask still feel like the best n64 games no question. All my minor gripes with this game were things I felt were fixed in the 3DS version. Also realized how amazing the atmosphere of the final boss was. A super solid experience today even coming from an era of games that have not aged the best.

Just wanted to log that I played this this year. I don't have much to say other than I had some of my favorite multiplayer gaming moments this year on this game and its loop is just addicting overall when you have a good group to play with.

This was a really good Kirby game and an amazing 3D platformer in general. A really solid time overall.


Really fun movement shooter that I really enjoyed. Excited to try out Eternal because of it as I have heard even better things about that game.

A fairly solid 2d Mario game. It's nice to see something a little different besides the new super formula, but some things could have been a bit better like the bosses. The game probably could have used like 1 or 2 more powerups even if just returning ones. It definitely satisfied my 2d Mario itch though.

I decided to replay this out of boredom cause I remembered playing it in middle school and enjoying it which made me realize that I have gotten better video game opinions and also Toby Fox really improved after this.

This remake does a lot of nice things for the original mgs but also does a lot of things I don't like. The tone feels entirely different at times, focusing way to much on action shots compared to the original. The mgs2 controls overall do make the game nicer to play, but stuff like the first person aiming can really make the game way easier than originally designed. Overall give this a try if you want, but PLEASE play the original before even thinking of playing this version. I feel this differs too much from the original mgs in tone and presentation to be the only version experienced.

I recently beat a replay of this game and just really remembered how good this game really is. The third semester is some of the best content in the Megaten series and the rest of the game is still awesome too. The battles in this game are super satisfying with its quick yet effective menus. Only complain on combat is that it's just really easy, but that's it. The presentation of the battles and the whole game is just beautiful, and I'm glad it got me into the rest of the Shin Megami Tensei series.

If RE5 had moments that made me throw up in my mouth. RE6 not only did that but kicked me in the balls, kneed me in the stomach, and made me cry on my knees cause holy hell this game got bad the more I played. It was fun enough during Leon's campaign but all that went out the window as soon as Chris's began. Could not imagine playing this solo without a friend to go through the pain that was this games 3 other campaigns after Leon's.