I'm a bit mixed on this one, I think the start of the game is odd narratively, you don't know what's going on at all, where you are, why, who are these people or anything and it's not like a point that drives your interest it's just like a void. But as the game progresses it gets better and better each act as you understand more of the world and get engaged with the characters and the situation. I just can't say I enjoyed it the whole way through.
Gameplay-wise it just felt like an ungreased gear, the rule of six feels forced and mostly just annoying, having to go in and out the safe rooms all the time to pick and drop stuff bleh. Also personally I just didn't feel scared or anxious at any moment, felt a lot like a chore to kill enemies and seeing them get up and stuff is easy to get used to, the feeling of shooting an enemy and using different weapons is pretty fun tho, also with the variety it ends up giving you by then it's almost fun to juggle around with your equipment set of choice and managing resources.
I also like the way you get familiar with the world through puzzles, investigation and observation, I think it makes you feel like you're part of it, it makes learning engaging and fun to piece the information together.
The art directon and world building is pretty great too, my only issue is that the decsion to make characters not have feet and instead end their legs just end in this sort of sharp appendage is kind of personally distressing, but i understand it and it does give more identity to the designs.
Overall it has its bad things but it's a good game, the pacing is well made and the 12 hour duration is very digestible. It's specially an amazing feat for a game made essentially by only two people.

This game is definitely not for everyone, if you dont like unfairness as a design feature i wouldnt recommend this game.
As someone who couldnt even finish a run of F&H1, i had a really good time with this game.
This really hits the spot for me. The fantasy + really gruesome horror combo with flavorful characters and interactions between them by its own is great for me. But the gameplay is also amazing to me, i would say at its core its about knowledge, about learning and managing information and i just love that, it keeps my head running and thinking about this game the whole day for weeks now. Trial and error, coming back each time stronger by your own merit, its a process than can be frustrating but the same amount of rewarding.
Even the writing has a similar approach, connecting the dots between the little snippets of info you get, the characters, their interactions, the lore, the environments, everything. It makes you a part of it, its great c:

Disco Elysium is so good, i wish conversations were reál

Its pure adrenaline. it employs effectively very fun, cool and interesting ideas. You can really tell it was made with a lot of love and care.
(plus the ost its of an unusual style to see in games but still a banger)


fun and interesting way of changing up each run, i dont really get how it works tho

Great game, sucks to be obliterated the first 20 hours, but once you get the hang of it, it gets really fun

As much as all gacha are products of hell and companies trying to emotionally manipulate you into spending money, this one is probably one of if not the best. Its forgiving, not at all pay to win or even pay to have fun, the grand majority of character have great character design, and its actually fun to play, if you like the type of game at least. It even has an auto farming option so you dont have to actively torture yourself farming, you can just do something else during that time.
So yeah, dont play it because gacha but if you want to its aight.

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Kris get the banana