forgettable is this game? So forgettable that somehow I platinumed this game without remembering a thing about it. I know I owned it, I know I traded it in eventually, but somewhere in between, I apparently 100%'ed it and I can't remember a single thing about it.

I was convinced my roommate had played it but he swears he never touched the game. Maybe a poltergeist played it in my stead. Thanks for platinuming this, random poltergeist duder.

I might give this a higher rating at a later time. It's been some years since I've beaten it and although I wasn't particularly fond of it at the time, it's a lovely looking game and I want to give it another go.

Not particularly great, and I had to convince a friend to play the game with me and idle their PS4 for three hours or so in order to platinum the game. They felt dirty about having that trophy on their system, but I just really wanted to be done with the game and delete it. It's not exactly a bad's just mediocre and I can't even customize my own character.

Just writing here to affirm that this game is really hard.

I love the soundtrack. The enemies are pretty basic and lack any real depth to them, the UI is also pretty basic. I get that this kinda harkens back to the NES era, but with how slow your character moves and the amount of backtracking for the sake of exploring and figuring out the correct path, it just gets old.

Still, I think there's potential here and I'm looking forward to Alwa's Legacy when it drops later this year.

This isn't nearly as bad as people suggest, but the ending is pretty much, "Hey, here's some stuff...don't really try to think about it too much."

It's sub-Silent Hill, which is still better than about four of the Silent Hill games.

Several frustrating bugs hold this back from being a decent-but-short Metroidvania. Trying to change controls crashed my game, so I kinda just had to make the controls work. In one instance, my dash and projectile attacks just stopped working, so I went back and checked the controls menu again...and found that they had mysteriously been remapped to keys from the controller bindings.

I also managed to do a dash jump through the air and collide with an invisible wall at one point, which dropped me instantly to my death. I don't think the wall was intentional.

The main thing I want to say about this game is that it incorporates a mechanic I absolutely love -- the ability to execute a jump after leaving a platform at any point before you hit your next surface. This leads to unique ways to strategize platform navigation and I can't appreciate that enough. If this were less buggy, I'd probably have finished it and given it a higher rating.

Might have been enjoyable, but the PS3 version was a bit of a janky mess at times and definitely crashed and corrupted my save data at least once. At least for the hours I got to play with it, it was a good time.

It's definitely a beginner RPG, but it was pretty fun for its time. Also, teaching first-timers about weaknesses by making the final boss weak to a quick-kill is a great idea...if you're a beginner RPG.

I think this game is probably better than I rated it...I just needed to play the PS2 version instead, probably. Waggle controls and me do not mix.

I really only played this because a friend got it for me for Horde Mode. I never played the campaign, but I had so much fun in parties doing Horde Mode with friends online.

The game is a mess at times for a lot of reasons, but some of those same reasons result in some hilarious and memorable interactions.

Definitely better with co-op, as Sheeva can be a mixed bag at times as an AI partner. Boulder-punching memes aside, the game's pretty alright and at times, even somewhat fun. It's not going to win any awards by me, but I definitely enjoyed it enough to pick it up on discount for the PS4 years later.

This game needs a remake a la RE1 with actual co-op available. It screams for it.