9 reviews liked by ShiiraiRyu

incomplete game but does that even matter

valorant released in 2020 and its development started in 2014 then released with like 4 maps and 10 characters and doesn't even have a basic replay system what a fucking joke

Remember Me? I hardly knew her

But being serious, I remember it looking great and sounding pretty good with a great soundtrack but the story was predictable and gameplay was boring and repetitive

dante would have immediately cry when he touches valorant because it's lame as fuck - special edition

choose your battle

american propaganda vs chinese malware

if you play with someone wearing a 500 dollar skin go ahead and laugh at them its free to laugh

yes, it's better than valorant

i think i found the game worse than valorant

oh wait its valorant, nvm then, i'll keep searching

imagine if there's valorant: part I. i'll kms