Underrated game, mainly due to its subpar launch and high expectations only to end up being a typical cover based shooter with RPG elements and the goofiest crouch walk animation. Even then I recommend it because it's such an engaging title from start to finish

One of the most important games in history for better and worse. Fun game but you can clearly see how half baked a lot of its aspects are by the time you're halfway into disc 2, from the side characters, Materia system, combat, minigames and the entire final act. Had it not been for the speed hack I would've never finished this game

The quintessential rough gem of the 2000s, and one of the best RPGs in history even with its design flaws either due to bugs or the terrible imposed deadline that Troika Games had.

Even if you're not a huge fan of RPGs, you make a mistake of not playing this as there's literally NOTHING like this game on the market

The best ghost in the shell game ever made. Good Deus Ex fan game, the shoehorned DLC ruins the experience though, it overstays its welcome and you can screw yourself if you don't level yourself properly

This game is the epitome of "Starts off well, then turns shit".

The biggest sins (no pun intended) this game has are that the rewards for exploration aren't worth it and the plot twist, alongside the whole final act.

Nearly the perfect game in the series but the bugs, short length, meh story and DLC practices sets it back

Pretty fun though the PC port was buggy as hell and the ending was a complete blueball

Loved this game but at the same time despised it

Insanely inconsistent in almost every gameplay aspect, the camera is bad and the final level made me drop the game altogether

Amazing atmosphere, music, art style, world, combat system. Everything just clicked

Fusing demons can be confusing and it eventually falls a bit flat alongside the whole late game but all and all a must play for any JRPG fan

BTW DO NOT play a magic build

Smirk is the dumbest mechanic I've seen in a JRPG. The bosses, the overworld, and strength of all things sucks. Demon's skills and stats make no sense at times

The music's amazing though