25 reviews liked by ShyGuy014

what the fuck is your actual fucking problem

This is the Neon Genesis Evangelion of video games

undertale? more like underTAIL. high five

Beated remastered edition on PC. Rated this one because i wanna rate each game on remaster separately

Right away, what caught my attention was the super stylish look of this game, which seems to be a pattern of Terri Vellmann's games, like High Life and Heavy Bullets. Devolver Digital chooses very well the games they'll publish and they end up creating a pattern of stylish and bizarre games that are almost immediately associated with them.

The incredible character design and the industrial/corporate landscape full of colorful and creative graffiti tags really make this game especially stylish. Not to mention the menu that mimics a computer desktop, where you can tweak your settings, install apps you find throughout the game, and even play games within the game itself.

Though one thing that bothers me about the visuals is the VHS filter and the twisting of the screen while you browse the menus, but it is something that can be easily disabled.

The gameplay is super simple, although being a little clunky in the movement of your character. But I loved the mix of parkour (simple as it may be) to get to high places with the goal of leaving your tag in a prominent place. It gets even more satisfying when two graffiti artists get together and make a combo.

I certainly missed a more elaborate story, quests, character development, 'cause I wanted to see so much more of this bizarre world and its grumpy characters.

There's not really any game like Wonderful 101. When it works, the combat can be really fun and satisfying. Though there are a lot of times when it doesn't as the game tends to throw new and one-off mechanics at you without decently explaining how any of it works. So it's best to first look at a guide before playing the game. The game just works better when replaying it as a result as well.

The plot isn't really all that interesting, but it continually ups the stakes in a way that's a lot of fun. It's probably got the most ridiculous self-indulgent over the top stuff I've seen happen in a video game. The characters and dialogue are often obnoxious though.

Probably some of the scariest spiders in any game ever.

This was the first bad game i played in my life. I was 3 or 4. I made it steps as jekyll, then suddeny died as hyde. over a decade later, discovering emulation, I tried again. It was a save-scumming slog. Children hitting me with rocks, random bombers, bird droppings the size (and shape) of a bulldog's. And for what? to go through the same stages as Hyde to get the true ending.
It was not worth it. having to sit though ear-grating music, looking at okay graphics (that i at one point adapted into a personal sprite comic) and equipped with a cane that did next-to-nothing.
If you are really curious about the game, we have youtube. Just watch a longplay.

I don't know how I had the diligence to play through the Nintendo version of this game, but I did it. Never again. The game gets half a star for the cool looking dragon on the box cover and game label.

This is a good game for fans of clicking things quickly.