The story makes absolutely no sense at all and the game isn't nearly as complex as it thinks it is. However, I would be lying if I said that the game isn't still fun to play. The mechanics themselves aren't anything new or mind-blowing, but it doesn't have to be if it is executed well. The weapons are all satisfying to use, however, the abilities you gain throughout the game feel almost useless even when playing on "Hard" difficulty. Levels are also all beautifully constructed, and fun to play through.


The gameplay systems are incredibly simple and the game remains easy throughout, but as a huge South Park fan I had so much fun playing this.


Solid dungeon crawler with a barebones, yet fun demon system along with surprisingly solid art design and atmosphere.

Second half unfortunately drops the ball with boring navigational puzzles and once fun gameplay systems losing their magic due to a lack of interesting progression.

Some of the late game design choices are so hateful towards the player that I can kinda respect it.


Awesome aesthetic coupled with a goofball, campy storyline. Combat so fluid and fun that I always feel the need to bust out the sickest combos no matter what.


Sly 2 is just as filled to the brim with interesting ideas as the first to the point that the game is forced to shift genres and atmosphere. The original’s focus on arcade style platforming with noir influences has completely shifted towards semi open world stealth with a more outwardly confident sense of Ocean’s 11 style. This new direction helps keep things fresh and interesting, sneaking around snowy mountains, gothic prisons, and villainous blimps is fun and the levels are an absolute blast to admire. However, I would be lying if I said that this was nearly as consistent as the first. Upgrades, thieving mini games, and multiple playable characters are cool concepts that don’t harm the game at all, but they all lack refinement and a real sense of usefulness and cohesion with the rest of the gameplay systems. Don’t even get me started on the mission structure and pacing, not to say I didn’t have my fun, but questions like “When will this mission end?” or “This is so boring?” were constantly ringing in my mind for quite a lot of these missions. I will say though despite my major faults with this game, the passion of the developers shines through every crevice of it’s levels, and that helps me to just barely look over my major issues with the game.


Solid and fun NES platformer, the art direction and pixel art stand out as amazing

Feels a lot more restrictive in terms of builds compared to the other two games in the series and has the most forgettable locations in the entire series, but the tradeoff is is that we get some of the best combat and bosses in the series.

P.S. My heart was racing during the final moments of my battle with Soul of Cinder.

Yeah, it does recycle the same four missions throughout the entire game and being forced to grind coins to buy some costume or car for the next mission kills the pacing. However, the driving is so much fun that I kinda forgive some of its flaws, kinda.

Half a star removed for the person who designed the fan room. Other than that one of the most charming, addictive games ever made.

This is pretty much the ultimate comfort game as long you don’t go genocide.


Hard for me to dislike a game that is essentially Resident Evil with samurais. The overly simplistic story and mediocre voice acting don’t charm me like they do in Resident Evil, but when I am able to slice and shoot through horrific demons with elemental swords and late 1500s weaponry, does all that really matter?

Love the characters and concepts here, but the AI makes this game not fun at all. Maybe one day I'll take on the challenge of beating this game legit, but for now I'm cool with abusing save states.

Screw Simpsons Hit and Run, this is the game that is in desperate need of a remake.

A mixture of fast paced swordsmanship and a uniquely enjoyable combo system makes for a pretty fun combat system, but janky elements like repetitive level design, wonky hitboxes, janky platforming, and an unfair final boss keeps me from enjoying this game. Like I said before this game needs a remake in order to truly live up to its potential.

The original Max Payne is one of my all time favorite action games. The dirty and sleazy in game graphics coupled with the gorgeous comic book panel cutscenes creates this incredible atmosphere that helps you look over the fact that Max Payne looks like a depressed Biff Tannen. Add in some of the best gunplay in a video game, and you've got a recipe for solid gold.

Now after hearing my mini rant about how good the original is believe me when I say that Max Payne 2 is better than the original in almost every way. The game first off looks so much better with some really impressive character model work that has aged really well. There aren't that many improvements done to the gunplay, but the simple introduction of rag doll effects makes combat much more satisfying. The real standout, however, has to be the tightly written story that perfectly builds off of the original in interesting ways, and never outstays its welcome with it being a perfect six hour experience.


Minor disappointments and a couple problems lingering from the second game (albeit the severity of these problems are minimised here) hold this one back for me, however, these are only minor issues in an otherwise fantastic game. Sly 3 isn’t the radical shift in gameplay and tone like the second, but rather the developers focusing in on the details and creating a much tighter experience. This is all best illustrated by the drastic improvement in the missions. The repetitive missions that overstayed their welcome from the second game are gone, replaced with fast pace missions booming with variety. I think what helps this variety is the developers honing in on the Ocean’s 11 style from the second. The storyline’s focus on setting up a team of different playable characters to crack a vault not only allows the story to go through many interesting story beats, but also allows the gameplay to be far more unpredictable and experimental. However, despite this sense of unpredictability, the game remains consistently fun and engaging throughout the entire experience whether you’re fighting an operatic mob boss or an evil genius mandrill.