I just can't imagine... Chad losing...!

Umineko: When They Cry (They cry because they can't compete with the GOAT Sonic)

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I love aggroing elitists by saying that the Fiora plotline would've unironically benefited from the game taking more influence from Sword Art Online

Will Ultimate Ninja Storm 5 have the part where they fight dinosaurs?

This game's story is going to be a surfire hit for the Kirby Air Ride music: Item Bounce YouTube comment section

Gonna wait until I have much better hardware to play this on but holy shit I've never felt more like a game was specifically commissioned to appeal to me as much as humanly possible until right now.

Fastest way to realize that I don't really click with any of the pre-Brawl characters that much


Doesn't matter Uncle Ben, Fortnite better than both of them!

Really comfy and very personal-feeling read. Love the way that it captures and displays Alyssa's emotions through it's descriptive text. I feel like there are people who will resonate with this on a much more personal level than I could, but I connected with it quite a bit. It almost feels wrong for me to really give it a rating, and I mean that in the best possible way.

Big the Cat gives you Kingdom Hearts secret reports, there's no way this isn't a GOTY contender

I'm incredibly torn on where I stand with this game. On one hand the game is incredibly fun to play, in general being a significant step up from how dull 2 was, and has a ton of incredibly wacky and creative weapons to use. (My personal favorites being Dead End Express and Abracadabra) On the other hand this also has one of the worst stories I've ever seen in an action game, with a really terrible forced romance and an ending that feels like it really wants to be DMC5 but fails at putting in any real effort to make it work. I really strongly disagree with the notion of stories not mattering in action games, and this one's was horrendous to the point of essentially dooming the franchise for me moving forward.

The final phase of the final boss wasn't even that good I HATE Eladio