Realistically a 3.5 but something about this game appealed to me so much it felt like it was made for me specifically. It's been like ten years since I played a key game so maybe the key vibes just felt super nostalgic. I just can't bring myself to rate it lower

I want to love this game so bad there's so much to love about it but the combat is somehow worse than a game Falcom made 15 years prior with the most mind numbing dungeon design and maybe the worst progression system I've ever seen in a game.

The visuals are some of the most charming I've ever seen in a game, the music is fantastic as always and you can tell the localizers had a blast with this one but I just can't tolerate the grind enough to enjoy it.

We'll see if I can force myself through it one day

This is like an 8/10 game with a 12/10 ending this shit hit me so hard man actually burst into tears

I think a lot of people aren't as satisfied with this game because it doesn't advance the overall Zemuria plotline which is fine by me cause I think some of the best games in the series (Sky 3rd, Zero, Kuro 1) don't or barely do at all anyways. This game feels like more of a Kuro 1.5. Spends time fleshing out characters that needed more screen time in previous games, a little more backstory on Van and teasing about his relationship with Elaine which is pretty nice. Kuro NPCs continue to be PEAK and the sidequests were also consistently great. The gameplay has seen a couple balancing changes which made the game WAY more fun than the first to me.

It's a mess at times especially with it's awful act 3 that should honestly make it lose more points but I had such a good time with it that I don't mind.

If Backloggd had a better scoring system I'd give it like an 8.8 or so but I'm giving it 4.5 stars cause putting it next to Hajimari feels wrong.

Playing these games in order and it's insane how high quality the later RGG games are. Best story so far but misses in a few key areas like the mediocre gameplay that definitely needs one more iteration to be perfect and the lackluster minigames. Ultimately you're here for the writing though and this game absolutely excels in that department. The payoff from previous games was insane too definitely play these things in order man

Guys every single level in this game was an auto scroller I'm actually losing my mind the group of friends I was playing with kept joking about haha its another auto scroller or woah this wonder power is an auto scroller that's funny and then we realized we were saying it every single level I'm going to lose my mind

I've been to the deepest depths of hell and back. Start praying. Pray that God will spare you from that abyss. What waits for you at the bottom is a nightmare I wouldn't wish upon even the worst humans on earth. As the years pass I try my best to forget his face, his name but he always finds his way into my head. The demons whisper it in my dreams. "Christopher Robin."

Persona 5 is a game I played in 2017 and did not enjoy very much. The game has a strong start but the longer it goes on the more it feels like it completely goes back on everything it was trying to say in the early game. Was it just a complete disconnect between writers or is it a Persona 4 situation where they just made the decision to constantly undermine all of its themes. While the time management system is actually pretty fun a lot of the new social link rewards go towards making an already boring and repetitive combat system even easier.

One more is flawed on its own but it feels like there's very little room for things to go wrong in most of the games fights. Every random encounter is exactly the same and bosses actually just do no damage for some reason. This is likely because of how easy it is to get over leveled in this game and how important level difference is when it comes to damage. I ended up equipping armor that gave the minimum 10 defense to my whole party just so I had to think during bosses and even then a lot of them still weren't a big issue if I just payed attention to buff/debuff uptime but at least there was something I actually had to pay attention to.

All of this said I'm surprised to say that the new content added in Royal is actually really great? It all has proper buildup and is foreshadowed through the whole game. The party is personally invested in the new conflict and the events that take place all make sense. The new characters are fantastic and that new story is absolutely worth experiencing.

Is something I would be saying if you didn't need to play 90 hours of Persona 5 before getting close to the payoff. If the Royal stuff was somehow in its own game then this game would be like an 8 out of 10 but as it stands it's just not worth the time.

This really was the the Mask of Deception holy fucking shit

This is one of the worst games of all time it's so fucking bad there's almost nothing good about it and I fucking adore it with all my heart I lvoe you

Been a year and a half since I've played and unlike the cold steel games my opinion has only gone up with time. Still want to see what they do with later games in this arc (Playing 2 rn) but as it stands I think this is the single best entry in the series and I have so few problems with this game it's actually near perfect.

Carried by the best gameplay in the series and the incredible new cast of characters, as well as a few strong doors. Lloyd route is honestly pretty bad and while I enjoyed Rean route for what it was it really should not have taken five games.

I love the picnic squad

Worst so far. very high highs and very low lows