Top 10 Favorite Games

Top 10 most goated kino peak fiction games I have ever enjoyed

Pokemon is fucking awesome, and this is the best pokemon game. I like Snivy :)))
Nostalgia pick, but still a fantastic game nonetheless. Most creative levels I've ever seen, with top tier 3D platforming and very cool ideas. It's definitely a toss up between this and the first game, though.
A super fun mix of survival and bullet hell. The different classes and hundreds of unique weapons make this game infinitely replayable. Extremely good modding scene as well ((play Calamity.))
Phenomenal combo based action gameplay. Fun story thats overhated, Nero is really fucking cool. Also, the game opens with Dante shooting The Pope in the face. What more could you ask for?
Best plot in a franchise with one of the best stories in all of fiction. Very fun and intense Stealth gameplay, with ideas and mechanics only Hideo fuckin' Kojima could think of. Also, SNAAAAAAAAAAAKE EAAAATERRRRR
Favorite metroidvania. Very pretty game with tight controls and super fun combat. Alucard is really cool and hot. Quite literally genre defining.
Basic answer? yeah. Do I care? no. Best narrative and characters in the entire franchise, with one of the most unique sci-fi/fantasy aesthetics I've ever seen. Great turn based combat. Also, Cloud and Sephiroth are like the hottest fictional characters ever like holy fuck I NEED them. Great game.
Most memorable 1st play through of any game I've played, and no it wasn't my first Souls game Best bosses and combat in the series. Some critique the linearity of it's level design, but I prefer this over the openness of 1 and 2. Also, 2>1.
Superb gameplay and an immersive world, the Destiny franchise has delivered me some of my fondest memories and impacted my life more than any other game. GOATED.


Best entry in my favorite FPS series. Insanely good level design, world building, and gunplay for a game made in 11 months. Improves upon the original game in almost every way, and changed the way I viewed games. GOATED.


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