32 reviews liked by Skramgaze

wah wah wah Joel dies, playable angry women. Get over it and you'll see why this game is a masterpiece.

enter buff girl who avenges her dad's death, but kills a girl's surrogate father.
two lesbians face off plus there's infected

one of the most fun borderlands games when it comes to shooting and looting. while story may not be your favorite, this game will satisfy every bit of what you want out of a borderlands game when it comes to the action pact shooting this game offers.

Sucks I had written this off as open world schlock for so long. I really enjoyed my time with this game with a really fun story and setting with challenging combat that really opened up the further I got into it. I do have some minor issues like some of the characters being a bit goofy and the loot system being a bit overwhelming until you get the hang of it which like god of wars recent reboot that sorta makes me question if it wasn’t worth streamlining this a lot more to make things less confusing. Overall though I had a good time with this and will definitely check of the sequel I will try to write off open world games less in the future unless it’s made by Ubisoft or something.

losing my save file after 20 hours this is truly the dark souls of saving

Horizon was a PS4 graphical showpiece, with some fantastic mechanics, and a story that actually reeled me in by the end.

Is this a game I'll be going back to in 10 years? Probably not. But was it fun to shoot arrows at robot dinosaurs? You bet.

Non merita affatto cinque stelle, in realtà manco l'ho finito, ma ciò vale come "voto di protesta".
In futuro lo cambierò, però nel mio piccolo vorrei contribuire ad ampliare la popolarità di un gioco che, finalmente, abbia le carte in regola per spezzare il monopolio di un brand decadente e senza stimoli come quello di Pokémon.
Plagio? Perché, Pokémon non faceva lo stesso con i Digimon?
Le 8 milioni di copie vendute sono indice del fatto che i giocatori, E I FAN, di Pokémon si stiano iniziando a stufare del trattamento a loro riservato da TPCI e che desiderano nuove esperienze, più al passo coi tempi. O quantomeno giochi un minimo decenti e non solo per bambini.

Comunque sia, nonostante tutto, le prime impressioni sono positive. Si tratta di un tipico survival con elementi da monster collector. Una bella esperienza rilassante.

i love this game, coop is extremely fun, and the extra modes are even more fun
mercenaries is amazing
and i love the story of each campaign, especially chris's
its still good when playing solo, very fun

Serious narrative problems. Not only was the story too stretched out but the writing was...just bad..especially with some of the changes made.

The combat system was good and some of the encounters were nice.

Best battle royale with awesome movement and abilities.
Too bad it's EA (predatory market + G.A.A.S.)