This is like if Star Wars Battlefront was bad

Yeah uh, I just think this is worse than the first so, so much. First off with the gameplay, I just didn't like it as much. I really don't know why cause it seems roughly the same, probably more complex. I was fine doing stealth gameplay in the first one, and doing the rat puzzles, but fuck me it annoyed the fuck outta me in this one. I actually just used invincible mode for the stealth, and brute forced as much as I could for rat segments.

The story just seems so, not well executed to me? Like the general beats are fine, but it never landed. I think, 1, its because the characters are just worst somehow. I don't remember if they constantly blabbed their fucking mouths in the first one, but they sure do in this one! Just fucking shut up for one second! 2, it kind of just throws stuff at you and its like, oh okay. Oh, I'm just working with knight dude now, oh this Slaver dude went down really quick, oh these cult guys really didnt think about their plan AT ALL. Its just too many eggs in the basket and none of them ever fully settle down comfortably in my head.

However, Chapter 16 is ACTUALLY good. That shit brought me back to what I liked about the first game. Like a cool artsy ass horror movie. The visuals and landscapes on that chapter were so fucking cool, and it was a moment in the story that actually had me paying attention. So I know that the whole game's story could have been something if it was done better. And the first credits cut? that shit is fucking good.

Also, the game has super duper graphics. Some landscapes are pretty damn good to look at. It does have that fucking filter that makes everything look kind of blurry, so it pisses my eyes off, but despite that, its impressive (AND they have to render all those rats).

So overall, this sequel gets louder than its predecessor and sacrifices that arthouse quality that I enjoyed.


Just really not getting in to this. Don't find it particularly fun at at all. Enemies are just annoying and I don't care about the powers at all. Weapons are also boring. When I compare it to Bioshock, that had a fun variety of weapons, and Also the wrench was a fucking powerhouse, this wrench leaves a lot to be desired. When I compare to Dishonored, that had fun abilities to mess around with.

Just kind of refreshing to play a game with mostly dialogue stuff. Fun to figure out the game. Ending is just nice and warm. Combat is fun because I can kick the physics statues and they ragdoll.

Also my friend said this looks like on those porn games, and I realized they are right. So I'm pretty happy I got to play a game that has the visuals of one of those porn games (thats not a porn game) cause that's something I really want.

I'd probably be more inclined to try this once it is fully completed, but I also don't really like these type of games.


its a puzzle game. I dont like puzzle games.

fun until I have to start thinking too much what crew members to attach. (and i dont want to actually click)

The Kung Fu is pretty neat to look at, but doesn't really fit with enemies who can just fill you full of holes in an instant.

I played this game for an hour and I realized the game just wasn't fun. It feels very punishing and clunky. I then installed the Kung Fu mod and that made it more fun for a little bit, but ultimately I just had to resort to god mode at the second act. That dream level pisses me off so bad with how you actually just slide off that blood train platform. Then it throws you into a "stealth" segment in a game with no stealth mechanics. Just a lot of not very fun design decisions in this game.

Story is fun though, Remedy always has that shit down.

Story is good enough to get invested it, and it helps a lot by the pretty damn good acting. Days Gone John talks in a very, idk, real(?) way. I like the way he kind of just talks and thinks mid sentence.

Gameplay is whatever. Its fun enough to beat the game, but it does start to drag at the end cause some of the missions really don't need to be there. The horde is a fun "oh FUCK I need to GO" mechanic, but once they start forcing you to fight them fuck god they suck. Zero fun I had trying to fight the first one.

Overall you can tell how much this wanted to be a show, and how the first half/second half just feel like 2 seasons. You can also kind of just tell how somethings might be their own episode or small little plot lines. And thats pretty much how I feel about it. Its a neat little show to watch that might not stick much in my brain, but it was neat.

Think I had a "holy shit video games" moment when I got to use gyro aiming.

The gameplay in this one is just much funner to me. The base is the same, just all the other gameplay stuff makes it better. I really didnt like the difficulty spike at the end of the first one because it really showed off how not fun the game was. It really made me look back at the stealth and wonder why it was even there. The stealth in this one is better, but it feels better to just ignore it (from the last game).

I also liked how the narrative ties into your health/armor totals.

I could just tell this was gonna be New Order but with less cinematic stuff which was the only reason I actually put up finishing it.

i love you Vin Diesel, please quit Ark 2 and make Wheelman 2, please...